
Tough new law against domestic violence
By Chandani Kirinde
Various forms of domestic violence -- including emotional abuse, which has been described as a pattern of cruel, inhuman, degrading or humiliating conduct of a serious nature directed towards an aggrieved person -- are to be curbed under proposed new laws.

A bill to provide protection for victims of domestic violence will be presented to Parliament shortly by Justice Minister John Seneviratne. The Prevention of Domestic Violence Bill provides for a person, in respect of whom an act of domestic violence has been, is or is likely to be committed to make an application to the Magistrate's Court for a protection order, for the prevention of such act of domestic violence.

Upon consideration of an application, if the Court decides to issue a Protection Order, after considering the evidence before it, the person who is accused of committing the acts of violence will be prohibited from entering a residence or another place shared by the that person and the aggrieved party as well as entering the aggrieved party's residence, place of employment or school.

It will also prohibit any attempt being made at contacting the aggrieved person in any manner whatsoever or committing acts of violence against any other person whether it be a relative, friend, social worker or medical officer who may be assisting the aggrieved party.

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