
Ratnayake snatches Charity Golf Classic
The Captain of the Royal Colombo Golf Club Kumar Boralessa conceived the tremendous idea that the Club should join in a rescue operation to assist the victims of the recent disaster. He suggested that a Golf for Charity tournament be set out to raise funds.

The Tournament Committee took over but unfortunately started with a massive hiccup by making the tournament the preserve of only 3 categories of players without any consideration for the Seniors & Masters categories where there is a complement of fine enthusiastic staunch members. There was great resentment and this was amply demonstrated by two Senior members whom called for re-instatement of their categories. The rules were amended hastily and through a special communiqué they were invited to participate but the response was poor and that was unexpected. Near 100 participated paying Rs. 1,500/- each and a tidy sum of Rs. 150,000/- moved into the Charity Coffers. Much more is expected from two tournaments which hopefully the Korean and Japanese communities will organize.

Mohan Sparkles
Mohan Ratnayake quite methodical preserved his strokes superbly through a cautiously played round which brought him 38 excellent points. He was great off the tees and his accuracy helped considerably to bring in a fine collection of pars and to add to his pleasure he picked up a few birdies. He was seen toasting at the 19th beaming with pleasure. He won the "A" Classic beating 2 giants Steuart Ritchie & Tissa Jayasinghe by one point.

Neil Upfront
The dashing cavalier cricketer of yesteryear plays stacks of flashy golf. He is either prominent on the scene or flashy in the meadows. On Saturday without any charity from the omnipotent he finished a stunning round on 41 points to collect the "B" Classic and celebrate incessantly. Ananda Jayasekera came behind with a superb 39 point round to jump on the band wagon and celebrate on a mixture of Calsberg and Lion. Toshikazu Anoup Kundanmal, Stephen Griffin and Dilip Kodikara. D.M. Hetti, Wasantha Silva and Kumar Mirchandani were merry messing around with Alan Walkingshaw and Jeremy Carter joining in with colourful displays.

Tissa Wins 'C'
Tissa Wickremasinghe fresh from his striking victory in the Life Members Title Event came good again making full use of his multiple entry visa to the Ridgeways. Basking in the glory of his victory the domestic front announced an 'Open House' and his residence was packed to capacity celebrating this 2nd successive victory. Lal de Mel and K. Yanagihara excelled on 36 points each and Deepal Weerasekera, K.K.U. Perera and Suneth Wijesinghe came pretty good with 35 points each. V.K. Wickremanayake, S. Wickremasinghe, Dian Jayasuriya, V. Govindasamy and H. Samaranayake through quite negligent were not unhappy about their performance. They kept smiling despite distress.

Old Waltz Senior
The elegant Old Waltz Senior swinger K.K.U. Perera stays by his excellent skills. He was delighted on Saturday with a superbly compiled 34 points to light up the 19th with his pals and ready himself for the Senior Trophy.

Pretty New
Sandra Ramanayake is quite an exciting player. New to the Ridgeways she notched up an excellent 34 point victory in the Ladies Event.

A great event, a worthy cause, lavishly supported helping the Coffers to extend support to the distressed.


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