Claims cure for AIDS, heart ailments
Ayurvedic drug manufacturer challenges medical science
By Quintus Perera
Throwing a challenge to modern medical science, T. A. Majeed, Managing Director, Fair Pharma (Pvt) Ltd last week said path-breaking discoveries were ignored by modern science because these discoveries came from Ayurveda.

Majeed was speaking at the occasion of Fair Pharma being approved by the Sri Lanka Standards Institute (SLSI) as an ISO 9001:2000 certified company held last week in Colombo.

Fair Pharma, an Indian company, started operations in Sri Lanka in December 2003 and has a factory in Ja-Ela to manufacture ayurvedic products. He said that in the world of advanced Information Technology scientists in the field cannot miss Ayurvedic achievements and it is apparent that these have been ignored. Body science is now a thriving industry and any cheaper, harmless medicine coming up is very much resented, Majeed said adding that this attitude must change. He said that it is time that people accept and encourage treatments that are less expensive, affordable, less painful, less complicated and non-invasive.

Majeed said that their most prestigious product is Cholesterol-QR which dissolves the blocks in the arteries and last year they have successfully treated 560 heart patients in Sri Lanka. During the past seven years he said that they have treated more than 7,000 heart patients in India. He said that with this medicine heart bypass operations would be a thing of the past. He said that these surgical operations are highly complicated and the patients once operated would have to be under medical treatment for life. But in the case of his medicine, after the course of treatment for 100 days no other treatment is necessary.

He said that in modern science the treatment for simple viral pneumonia would be an overdose of strong antibiotics, which would not help and nine out of 10 patients would die. He said that all viral diseases would have no treatment and even micro bacterial diseases like syphilis, leprosy, rheumatic fever and heart valve diseases too have no treatment. He said that millions are dying of viral diseases specially Liver Cirrhosis, HIV and Cancer.

He said that one of their products Immuno-QR has been used by over 150,000 AIDS patients in India and abroad for the past 12 years and questioned whether modern science could ignore this fact any longer. "When the world cries for a medicine for AIDS and millions are dying, the responsible people have an obligation to humanity to bring the ultimate truth about my medicine which just costs US$ 200 for a permanent cure for AIDS," Majeed said.

He said that money takes precedence over human pain and human suffering and said that he would like to take 10 AIDS patients and prove the results and was willing to treat 100 AIDS patients in Sri Lanka free of charge.

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