
Probe on alleged attack by ‘robed person’
By Kumudini Hettiarachchi
The National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) is investigating a complaint that a 'person in robes' has beaten up a student of President's College in Rajagiriya and also cut off his hair last week.

"We have received a complaint that a person in robes walked into a class at President's College, allegedly grabbed an Advanced Level student by the hair, hit him with a thick stick and cut his hair," an NCPA spokesman said.

"The person in robes had allegedly been infuriated by the fact that the boy, a minor, had applied gel on his hair and the hair was sticking up, " said the spokesman. Inquiries held so far have found that the boy has sustained injuries on his back.

Meanwhile, a verdict of suicide has been delivered by the Kaduwela magistrate on the death of a 12-year-old boy who was found hanging in the house in Hokandara where he was employed as a domestic help.

The magistrate's verdict was based on the findings of Colombo Chief JMO Alwis whose postmortem report stated that no force had been used on the boy. The postmortem followed a complaint by the boy's relatives to the Children's and Women's Bureau of Police Headquarters that they suspected foul play.

Inspector Udaya de Silva of the bureau said the boy's father had deserted the family while the mother was working in the Mid-East as a housemaid. The boy had been given into the care of an aunt but she in turn had handed him over to a wealthy family in Hokandara.

"Reports indicate that though the family sent him to school he was also used as a servant. On February 12, the boy had hanged himself," IP de Silva said. Soon after the incident, when the Coroner returned an open verdict on the boy's death, the relatives had lodged a complaint with the bureau.

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