

Science which enhances nature's energy
By Esther Williams
"My 2004 predictions were very close," says Indian feng shui consultant and traditional vaastu practitioner S. BS. Surendran, who foresaw for 2004 serious political struggles, unrest, revolution and governments being toppled.

He further predicted a year where compromise would be difficult and settlements unlikely without the use of force. The struggles in the Middle East, the natural calamities and earthquakes that happened last year, were in line with his predictions.

Surendran was in Sri Lanka recently on his way back to India after attending a psychic fair in Singapore where he participated as a consultant on feng shui and tarot cards, donating part of his earnings for tsunami relief.

A columnist in four leading national newspapers in India, he is the first to integrate the best of both sciences - vaastu and feng shui in India. "They can work together as there are many common areas," he says, adding that the combination allows him to provide accurate readings and insights as he can counter check with both disciplines.

An electrical engineer, Surendran's passion during his schooldays was photography. As he took many pictures of buildings he questioned why a structure - church or temple needed to be in a specific form. The realization that dimensions had special meaning led to an interest in vaastu. Vaastu, the Indian equivalent of feng shui looks at designing structures in tune with natural forces.

It was at his home that he began experimenting with vaastu, despite protests from family members to the breaking down of walls and structural changes. "Convincing them was a tough battle," he smiles. However they soon noticed a new harmony from redesigning space and moving objects about in the house.

Subsequently trained under four Chinese masters in Malaysia and Singapore in feng shui, he has spent the last 14 years practising feng shui and vaastu full time. "It is not the money,” he insists. “When there is a positive change, I derive more joy. It is my way of serving others to improve their lives."

"Feng shui is the art of space alignment to make the occupant prosperous and enable him to think and live better. It does not change destiny, but aligning of space can help bring out the best in you," he says.

Light, water, plants, crystals and metal as per the five-element theory are used to harmonise living or work spaces. Areas that he looks into are main door orientation, bedrooms, storage areas in kitchens and ventilation - to ensure that they are aligned according to feng shui and vaastu principles to permanently tap into positive energy, called Chi in Chinese. Changes he thinks should be made periodically as energy changes with time like the waxing and the waning of the moon.

Surendran is much in demand by corporate clients who wish to follow vaastu to heighten productivity in employees. Business cards too are designed according to feng shui principles in the right shape, size and colour.

In India he has adopted feng shui into filmmaking, costumes, dress designing and fashion photography. “Feng shui works for the inner self (food, clothes, makeup) and the outer self (buildings, structures, environment)." He claims that six Indian movies used his services to design costumes, backdrop, props on sets, and title colour in order to prevent a clash of elements. For the annual Film Awards ceremony in 2002 Surendran designed the entire stage.

"Feng shui is very personal," Surendran states, adding that homes would need to be synchronized with the individuals in the house. And so, he provides on site consultation and off-site guidance.

Pendulum Dowsing is another area of Surendran's proficiency. He uses it to measure energy levels in a particular space or for getting an answer/guidance to any specific situation/question. "It is not a forecast but merely guidance," he stresses. He uses it in any building he enters to get an intuitive feel of space.

Surendran also uses tarot cards which he explains is a divination process that cleanses space and invokes positive energy or in tarot terminology angels. How does it work? An individual thinks of a question, and picks a card, which gives a pictorial description of the situation. "Through my interpretation at least 8 of 10 questions are answered correctly. If the question is ambiguous, the answer may not be clear," he says.

Feng shui and the rooster
So what's is store for us in the Year of the Rooster that began on February 9?
Feng shui analyses and forecasts are based specifically on the effect of clashes of the elements and their implications. The method of forecast takes into account the four pillars of destiny - year, month, day and time and predictions are made for the year on individual and animal signs.

Surendran foresees a clash between metal and wood in this year that is symbolized by these two elements with wood sitting on top of metal. "It is a year of conflict as metal chops wood."

He sees the north west part of the globe being affected with volcanic eruptions in California. It is the year of fire disaster as there is a silent fire burning beneath the earth and hence there will be forest fires, volcanic eruptions and natural disasters, he says.

In the analysis of inner feng shui, wood represents liver and metal represents the neck and spine. Hence there could be liver problems and injuries to neck so extra care should be taken for those suffering from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's etc.

He advises against digging, renovating or disturbing the west, northwest, eastern and southeastern sectors of homes and offices. Bright lights should be used in the southeast sector to counter bad luck areas. Individuals should not sit facing the west, the afflicted area during this year. Use plenty of metal in the northwest sector of the house, he says.

The year of the rooster however strengthens relationships. People will come down to the discussion table for compromise or trust. It is a good year for love and relationships. As the rooster's crown represents a flower, it is a good year for people to marry for it is the year of the peach blossom luck. Animal signs that will do well are Rat, Tiger, Dragon and Horse. But it is an average year for the Snake, Goat, Monkey and Dog and indeed a rough year for the Rabbit, Pig and Rooster.

"We cannot fight nature but we can generate positive energy which gives us protection. Prayers are a method of generating positive energy. Each religion has its own way of praying. The cumulative effect will protect mankind," he assures.

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