
Sri Lanka likely venue for 2006 Under-19 World Cup - Mendis
By Bernie Wijesekera
"The Under-19 World Cup will be held in the first quarter of year 2006. In all probability it will be held here", said Duleep Mendis the Chief Executive Officer, Sri Lanka Cricket, in an interview with The Sunday Times. Mendis attended the Chief Executive Officers ICC meeting held in London recently. Mendis was the only official who attended the confab from the SLC.

Q: What were the key issues in the agenda, pertaining to international cricket?
A: Recommendations were discussed and others had to be ratified. There were lengthy discussions over the hosting of the next Youth Under-19 World Cup. Despite the Tsunami disaster, there was compassion for Sri Lanka by other controlling bodies. But now life here has come back to normal. They found that the facilities were there to hold an international tournament - barring Galle Esplanade. This was key issue. The ICC has confidence in the present administration of the SLC. They have recommended that Sri Lanka be the venue for the Youth World Cup to be held next year.

Q: When you are going to hold it?
A: In the first quarter - (Jan. Feb or March). The Board of Directors of the ICC have to ratify it. SLC is confident of getting the green light. We got tremendous support towards this end at this meeting.

Q: How many officials from the SLC went for the CEOs meeting - Are you aware that rumours are floating around that officials are making regular trips abroad (like tourists at the SLC expenses). Any comments?
A: For the CEOs meeting I was the sole representative. Only the key officials of the SLC (Ex-Co) had to be present at crucial meetings of the ICC. It's a "must", at all levels. Whatever the arm-chair critics had to say - the present management is transparent. The SLC, is too happy if shortcomings are spotlighted. Being the CEO, I will take remedial measures.

Q: What was the other important issue that was came up for discussion?
A: Ninety nine percent of the bowlers tend to bend at the point of delivery. There was a lengthy discussion over this. Finally it was resolved that the bowler be allowed with 15 degree (all bowlers). However if the two umpires and the mach referee (with their naked eyes) think that still the bowler oversteps the line. Then he will be reported. The bowler concerned will have to undergo a Lab test and may be suspended for a period of time until the results and adjusts himself.

Q: What have you got to say about some national players due to over enthusiasm crossing the danger zone (speaking out of turn)?
A: They have to adhere to a code of ethics. I believe they are matured enough to understand the Dos and Donts. They have to maintain their own integrity. There should be peace and harmony between the players and the administration for the greater good of the game.

Q: What have you got to say about present -day school cricket?
A: Its our main nursery to harness talent at grassroots level. Apparently standards have deteriorated unlike in the past at present - the schoolboys play, too much of cricket (more matches). There is mental fatigue. As a result they are injury prone. Hardly any time to recover. In the past matches were played on Friday to Saturday. But today apparently even two to three matches a week. Not even a (man of steel) could withstand this pressure professional cricketers. Moment a school loses a couple of games, there is no respite. But they are made to grind to the hilt (more practice sessions). Even an engine needs time to cool down. Even the poor coach is being taken to task. They undergo a fear psychosis. At times may lose his job.


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