Advice from top CEO
Don’t blame the politicians; blame ourselves
Sri Lankans should stop blaming politicians for the sad state of affairs in the country and take the lead themselves in putting things right, a top business executive said last week.

“We often blame politicians instead of blaming ourselves for electing them. Unless we take control and stick our neck out for a better tomorrow, no one else is going to do it. Don’t blame the politicians; think of what you can do to make a change,” Suresh Shah, CEO of Lion Brewery exhorted to a group of CEOs, senior managers and corporate executives at the monthly meeting of The Sunday Times Business Club.

Speaking on “Civil society and development”, the Lion Brewery chief – in an out-of-the-box approach to the crisis facing Sri Lanka – said, “Individually and collectively we can make a change. The business chambers have not been forceful enough in bringing this change. We need to educate the workforce.”

He said democratic institutions need to be strengthened. “We speak of democracy but none of the political parties has democratic frameworks even in selecting their contestants. People should be asked to elect politicians to positions (even within parties),” he said adding that he expected the younger generation of business leaders to take up the challenge of taking the country forward.

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