
BASL wants code of conduct for judges
The Bar Association yesterday resolved to ask the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) to introduce a ‘Code of Conduct’ for judges on the same lines as the existing Code of Conduct for lawyers.

The decision was made yesterday when the Bar Council met in Colombo after members raised issue about the conduct of some judges who were rude to lawyers in their courts, BASL Secretary Anoma Gunatillake told The Sunday Times.

The council resolved to appoint a three member committee comprising former Chief Justice Parinda Ranasinghe and retired Supreme Court Justices J.Dheeraratne and A.S.Wijetunga to draft the code of conduct for the judges.

Members brought up specific instances where some judges have been discourteous to lawyers making it difficult for them to carry out their duties on behalf of their clients. One instance was where the Matara Additional District Judge had rudely asked a senior lawyer to leave the court when he had explained the reasons for his client's absence from court that day. The Bar Council proposed that the judge be interdicted or transferred immediately from his posting, Ms. Gunatillake said.

Several other specific complaints were reported from the Minuwangoda and Avissawella areas. Cases where a senior judge was promoted after being found guilty of charges of dishonesty were also brought up. The Bar Council will also be urging the Chief Justice to transfer Judicial Service Secretary, C. Jayatillake, Ms. Gunatillake said. She declined to comment on the allegations against him.

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