
Mahinda promises peace through “good experiences”
UPFA Presidential candidate Mahinda Rajapakse who wants the Ceasefire Agreement with Tiger guerrillas amended declared last night he would utilize what he called “the good experiences” from all peace efforts to achieve peace.

Premier Rajapakse in an election address on state TV last night promised that though the CFA and other measures taken to restore peace had been unsuccessful due to some reason he would make use of the good experiences.
He said a new approach was needed to resolve the peace process and though the bilateral approach was good for a ceasefire it was not sufficient for a fruitful peace process.

He pointed out that everybody admitted that there were shortcomings in the CFA and that it should be reviewed. “There are several parties associated with the national crisis. They have fair grievances and aspirations. As the leader mandated by you, I hope to initiate negotiations that represent everybody’s aspirations,” Mr. Rajapakse said.

He said he would act quickly to reach a Southern agreement for such negotiations that would enable the way for a national consensus.
Mr. Rajapakse pledged that while working on a Southern consensus he would also talk directly with the LTTE for a general consensus, to be reflected in a constitution through a Constituent Assembly.

“I was capable of assembling political parties in the south as well as in the north and believe I can reach a consensus by discussing the problems of the LTTE,” the Premier said.

“After winning the elections, I will not treat any of those who contested me as my rivals. All people who voted for me and did not vote for me will be made use of to build the nation,” he said.

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