
LTTE disclaims polls-boycott call
An LTTE front organization has told voters in the north to boycott the November 17 presidential elections, but a spokesman for the guerrillas said it was not their official view.

The organization representing some higher education institutions in the Jaffna district, excluding the Jaffna university, has called for the boycott.
The two main candidates running for the presidential election are yet to launch any serious campaigning in the Northern Province while the LTTE is yet to make its position on the elections known.

LTTE spokesman Daya Master reacting to the statement by the student group said it was not the official view of the LTTE. He said the LTTE’s decision had not yet been announced.

“People of Tamil Eelam, beware. Both Mahinda and Ranil are good in trapping. Mahinda and his reddish allies and those in robes will violently do it, but Ranil will do it without making a noise of it.

“Are we to vote for these people? Therefore, you, our people boycott the November 2005 Presidential Election and announce to the International World that the land of the Tamils will no more trust Sinhala leaders,” the little known organization said in a statement signed by student activist Senthuran and released to the Jaffna media.

The statement attacked Mr. Rajapakse for aligning himself with racists and chauvinists to deny the basic aspirations of the Tamil-speaking people.
“But it was equally strong, if not stronger, against Mr. Wickremesinge, describing him as being much more dangerous than Mr. Rajapakse, though posing as a peacemaker.

It charged that Mr. Wickremesinghe would not only mortgage the land of the Tamils but the whole of Sri Lanka to western countries.

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