
Lankan stars Down Under host a living legend
Ruggerites and Trinitians were proud to host DILIP KUMAR - the SriLankan born chairman of the Australian Rugby Football Union - to a gala dinner at the Knox Tavern on Friday 21st October. A star studded gathering of young and old rugger fans from Sri Lanka were entertained by Ralph D' Silva, Bob Dwyer and Dilip Kumar into the wee hours of Saturday morning.

Ralph D'Silva introduced Dilip and Bob to the Melbourne crowd. Ralph was from S. Thomas' but was unstinting in his praise of a hill county product that has carried everything before him - in business and in rugger. Bob Dwyer Australia's famous rugger coach who took the Wallabies to their first world cup - was generous in his comments about Sri Lankans and their contribution to the Aussie lifestyle and landscape.

Dilip responded with his vision for ruby football in Australia. His support of the 80-80 concept would assist the smaller built Asians to develop in this sport - 80 kilograms in weight and 80 minutes of play could be likened to the 20-20 cricket matches that are now gaining in popularity across the globe. Dilip also has visions of promoting the game of rugby football in Autralia’s Pacific neighbours so that they develop in their own right and one day will stand proud on their own. Fijian and Samoan rugby footballers have so far shone only when they have played for a bigger nation such as Australia. Dillp thanked the many ex-Trinity and Sri Lankan ruggerites who kindled the flame of passion for rugger when he was an impressionable teenager.

David and Cathy Cruse as usual were hosts for the night at a gaily decorated Tavern and they provided a sumptuous meal and the best of wines to water it down with.

Dilip's father Bala was singled out for special mention. His fitness and good looks were matched only by his illustrious son - who paid his father a great tribute - for the manner in which he nursed him along in his youth. Dilip was also grateful to his wife and children for their kindness in allowing him the time to nurture this passionate love of rugby.

Frankie David and Nihal DeRun spoke with great love and emotion. Memories of yester year were kindled by such rugger stalwarts as Dr. Percy de Zilwa who played for Trinity and subsequently Ceylon in the 1940's. How time has moved on!

Melbournians were proud to host Dilip Kumar a friend who has reached the highest pinnacle in Australian rugby footall - by hard work and diligence. Virosh and Geethika Perera from serendib co- hosted the evening. Sri Lanka cricket representative to cricket in Australia Dr. Quintus de Zylva a die-hard promoter of his motherland conveyed this to the Sunday Times of this happy get together of Dilip Kumar. - BW


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