
All quits at Beira
Royal - Thomian regatta
By Harry Jayachandra
The underdogs thought they had their day. But it was not to be at the Beira Lake yesterday. The 33rd annual Royal – Thomian regatta rowed for the T.N. Fernando trophy, ended in a tie.

It could have been a different picture with Royal heading into the last event with a cushion of 12 points. But the Thomians coxed by Manil Salgado, out rowed the Royalists by six seconds to clinch the prestigious Boat Race and share the spoils.

S. Thomas’ started proceedings with Milindra Kulugammana winning the Junior Scull with a time of 3.56. Royal’s Senior Pair of Reza Akram (bow) and Maalik Aziez (stroke) winning their event in a time of 3.29. This gave the Reid Avenue boys a lead of six points. STC equalized in the next event with Manoharan Niroshan winning the Senior Scull in a record time of 3.43.

Then it was Royal’s turn. First they won the Junior Pair with Keshal Jayasinghe (bow) and Gishan Karunanayake (stroke). Their timing was 3.44 seconds. Following the interval the Royalists narrowly won the “B” Fours by four seconds. The team comprised Jeevan Tennekoon (bow), Yadav Chelliah (two), Madushan Dissanayake (three), Maalik Aziez (stroke) and coxed by Lishan Wickramanayake.

Then in fading light, the regatta was decided in dramatic fashion. Other than for Malik Salgado, the Thomian “A” fours comprised of Dayantha Siriwardana (bow), Shannon de Silva (two), Dineshka Aluwihare (three) and Milindra Kalugammana (stroke). Incidentally, Royal have not won the regatta since 1998.


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