
Captain captures 12th Royal Colombo Title
Young millionaire businessman Rusi Captain still reigns supreme at the Royal Colombo Golf Club. He cracked his twelfth title of the club when he tamed Mithun Perera with a slender l up victory in most unkind weather.

Mithun was in splendid form through the 1st 18 holes in the forenoon and went for lunch with a comfortable 3 up lead. The predictions were that he was going to shake off Captain and take the title for the first time. A wag was heard to say that "While Mithun was playing good golf Rusi appeared to be listless". In the 2nd round in the afternoon it was an entirely different Captain striking the ball. He was not straight and narrow but he recovered impecably and putted with stunning accuracy. Mithun was straying showing no skills in recovery.

3 Up in a competition is a commanding lead but very soon Captain was taking command riding high with tremendous accuracy. Birdies on the 8th,11th &14th following remarkable recovery shots and super putting, Captain took complete control and despite shots into the deep wilderness on the 17th he was safely home to record his name on the boards for the 12th time.

A fair crowd braved the weather to follow an excellent game and they got mad with the Committtee for destroying tradition by having the award ceremony on another day. When will they ever learn? Pesident Shiran de Soysa umpired the Finals effortlessly.


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