Asian doctors call for peaceful resolution of conflicts in the region
By R.S.Keeriyawatte
At their regional meeting held in Kandy on Friday South Asian doctors
called for a nuclear-free world, an end to the arms trade and a
peaceful resolution of the armed conflict in the region.
from Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh and Nepal met at this gathering
of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear war.
The doctors expressed deep concern for the lives and health of the
people of the region which they said was rich in natural resources
and possessed a proud cultural heritage.
referred to the extreme poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, incidence
of preventable diseases and poor working conditions in the region.
The doctors were of the opinion that the conflicts in Sri Lanka
and Nepal could be resolved through dialogue.
meeting was held at the Kandy General Hospital auditorium and aimed
at setting up an Affiliate Chapter of the Sri Lankan Doctors for
Peace and Development (SDPD).