Crude oil supply unaffected by Iranian vote
By Quintus Perera
Last week’s move by Sri Lanka to back a US-led vote against Iranian nuclear activity at an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meeting will not have an immediate impact on Iranian crude supply to Sri Lanka, Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) officials said.

Some 70 percent of CPC crude comes from Iran, 20 percent from Malaysia and 10 percent from Saudi Arabia.

The CPC’s refinery is geared to handle Iranian crude and anything similar.
CPC Commercial Manager S. Kottachchy, asked whether the vote against Iran will affect crude oil supplies to Colombo, said so far there hasn’t been any problem in supplies, “but I can’t predict as to what would happen in the future.” Nimal Rajapakse, CPC Refinery Manager at the Sapugaskanda Refinery said the refinery is ideally suited for Light Iranian crude and anything similar.

Certain modifications have to be done if other crude is to be refined.

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