TV Times

Hiroshima invites Sri Lankan Animation filmmakers
The National Film Corporation (NFC) has invited filmmakers to forward their applications for the 11th International Animation Festival in Hiroshima, Japan.
Scheduled to be held from August 24 - 28, 2006, this Festival is administered, under the endorsement of Association Internationale du Film.

'Animation/International Animated Film Association(ASIFA), in accordance with its regulations by the organizing committee, which is a non-profit organization consisting of the City of Hiroshima, the Hiroshima City Culture Foundation, ASIFAJapan and other bodies specifically related to this Festival.

The official languages of the festival are Japanese and English and entry works shall be made "frame by frame", including computer graphic animation. Films shall be presented in 16mm or 35mm format and use an optical soundtrack system. Films should also have a 3m leader and Videotapes shall be on BETACAM NTSC format. Running time shall be within 30 minutes and works shall be those that have been completed after April 1, 2004.

Entry forms and films/videos should reach the Festival Office between February 1 - April 1, 2006. The winners of this festival get prizes in addition to number of cash awards.

The Hiroshima International Animation Festival is a comprehensive animation film festival, which comprises of the competition, special screenings, workshops, seminars, exhibits and more. Of course the competition is the centerpiece, screening the entries from the preliminary selection.

The history of the festival goes as far back as 1984. In September 1984, ASIFA (Association Internationale du Film d'Animation) officially requested Hiroshima to hold an international animation festival. The ASIFA, established in 1960 for the purpose of developing animation art and international relations, had already lent its patronage to four animation festivals in Europe and North America and was considering supporting one festival in Asia.

Hiroshima City, one of the best known cities in the world thanks to its historical calamity, has continuously contributed to world peace in various way.

The International Animation Festival in Hiroshima was born of the compatibility between the belief at ASIFA that animation is one way humankind is seeking a way to live in peace and the desire in Hiroshima, City of Peace, to host a repeating international event.

Further information and the application for the festival could be obtained from the international unit of the NFC (Telephone number 2590761) and the festival website


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