Sunil Santha's voice cannot be stilled
Sunil Santha |
Listening to Ivor Dennis rendering some of the
finest of Sunil Santha's songs over Rupavahini the other day, it
was so consoling to know that there is at least one voice to preserve
for posterity the great singer's lilting melodies. It is tragic
that some of the early numbers sung by Sunil Santha had reportedly
been wilfully damaged at State radio. Scratch marks had appeared
in the recordings which were done on disc.
Ivor has been Sunil Santha's golaya since 1951
having been introduced to him by Patrick Denipitiya, one of the
master's pupils. Impressed by Ivor's voice, having heard him sing
one of his songs over the radio, Sunil Santha invited Ivor to sing
in his chorus. In fact, Sunil Santha who was in Ja-ela, used to
pick him up and bring him for classes in Colombo. Ever since, Ivor
has been his faithful follower.
In a new programme presented by Professor Sunil
Ariyaratne and aired just after Sunil Santha's 25th death anniversary,
Ivor recalled the 1940s "when the Colombo 7 types who never
cared for Sinhala music or uttered a word of Sinhala were suddenly
awakened by Sunil Santha's voice". He introduced the Sinhala
song to a whole new audience. The Western touch in his songs appealed
to them. They would play his songs on the piano. And then the Armed
Forces started playing his songs. (Those bands still do).
Sunil Ariyaratne identified three personalities
- Ananda Samarakoon, Sunil Santha and Amaradeva - as the ones who
created the Sinhala song. "We were lucky they were born,”
he said. The programme began with 'Suwanda rosa mal' sung by Sunil
Edirisinghe who confessed that when the hospital staff suddenly
asked his mother to suggest a name for the newborn, she could only
recollect Sunil Santha. That's how he got his name!
Sunil Ariyaratne reminded us how Sunil Santha
was voted the most popular singer when the Sinhala newspaper, 'Peramuna'
conducted a readership survey in 1951. The following year, readers
of 'Gnanartha Pradeepaya' selected 'Piyakaru nuware wewe' as the
most popular song.
Sunil Santha picked novel themes. It was he who
thought of composing a song about a schoolteacher ('Mihikata nalavaala').
He was most concerned about the lyrics and the correct usage of
the words. Through Fr. Moses Perera, he came to know Munidasa Cumaratunga
and became an ardent follower of his. He became a lyric writer himself
and wrote some of the finest Sinhala songs using simple, meaningful
words. Rohana Weerasinghe, after singing 'Nelavi senasenne' explained
the simple style that Sunil Santha followed in composing music.
The pick of the evening was Ivor's rendering of 'Dudanoda binda'
–– Rapiel Tennekoon's 'Kukul hevilla' (curse on a thief)
–– the Sunil Santha composition that illustrates the
Bengali influence.
Sunil Santha was a man of principles. He refused
to be 'voice tested' by the Indian music teacher Professor Ratnajankar,
his old guru at the Lucknow University from where he had passed
out with flying colours. He claimed the Indian would try to impose
Indian standards on Sri Lankan music. What was needed was original
talent. The little known fact that Ivor came out with, was that
Ananda Samarakoon also refused to face the test.
After Sunil Santha was booted out of Radio Ceylon,
he had a difficult time but he stood by his principles. He never
sang for commercial purposes. It was after much persuasion that
sound recordist Mervyn Rodrigo managed to record four songs for
an EP disc, at Sarasavi Studios.
Sunil Santha is a legend. His songs, from 'Diyagoda
semethena', to 'Lanka Lanka' remain the most popular party songs.
'Olu pipeela', the first song to be recorded at Radio Ceylon sixty
years ago, is on everybody's lips to this day.
Sunil Ariyaratne had done a lot of homework and the programme turned
out to be a most interesting and entertaining one. Give us more
of them, Sunil.
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Lankan scholar finds place among foremost Muslims
in the world
This magnificent publication, voluminous and captivating
results from the obviously diligent study of an impressive editorial
board, comprising half a dozen outstanding Islamic scholars in the
world. But what fascinates and grips Sri Lanka particularly of this
almost encyclopaedic study of foremost Muslims in the world is the
inclusion of Dr. A.M.A. Azeez (1911-1973), bringing the country
enviable honour.
Dr. A.M.A. Azeez |
Azeez, of course, is known
to Sri Lankans as a renowned Civil Servant of the then Ceylon Civil
Service, well known as CCS. His entry into the coveted ranks of
the higher bureaucracy, then the preserve of British administrators,
was an outstanding achievement as Azeez was the first Sri Lankan
Muslim to adorn the service.
A.M.A. Azeez outshone many a peer as an
exemplary, impeccably efficient and supremely honest public official.
As a Principal and education administrator in the arena of Muslim
education in Sri Lanka he fired the admiration of not only Muslims
but also all other communities here. As Principal of the later foremost
Muslim school the steady and quick manner in which Azeez elevated
discipline, character and learning were the hallmarks of an indefatigably
devoted educationist and superior Muslim scholar, well versed in
study, management and vision.
The education of Azeez in his school days distinguished
him as a superior learner who won prizes as a student. Later at
University College level he emerged as a winner of a prized scholarship.
His mastery of not only his chosen discipline at tertiary level
but even in the language of the area he was educated, namely Tamil,
made Azeez a splendid student. When the International Association
of Tamil Research held its first annual International Conference
in Kuala Lumpur he made an erudite presentation to an interested
audience of Tamil scholars. Azeez never forgot his initial Tamil
educational environment and contributed to Tamil learning too.
His academic superiority was acknowledged when
his services were harnessed at university level in the Senate Council
and Court of the tertiary educational establishment. He was drawn
into the public service again, but honestly committed to his values,
he resigned from the United National Party group in the upper chamber
of Parliament, the Senate, as legislation on the use of one indigenous
language was against his conscientious attachment to multilingualism
in a multilanguage state. Nevertheless he was made a member of the
Public Service Commission.
Dr. Azeez advocated female education when it was
neglected. He built up an admirable library, a professionalized
trained teaching staff and was bestowed the leadership of the All
Ceylon Union of Teachers and the All Ceylon Headmasters’ Conference.
His invaluable aid to Muslim study was demonstrated in his visionary
founding of the Ceylon Muslim Scholarship Fund. He encouraged promising
students to undertake educational visits abroad, founded the Young
Men’s Muslim Association and its Conference; and above all
made tireless efforts to enlighten and edify Muslims in South Sri
Lanka. The higher educational and research foundation Jamial Naleemah
blossomed into the Naleemah Institute of Research. Encouragement
to seek truth in Islam was assiduously fostered.
Dr. Azeez published ‘The West Reappraised’
which is requisite reference to scholars researching Sri Lanka especially
in the 20th century. Those in pursuit of more abstruse verities
about Islam should delve into Azeez’s contribution to the
Encyclopaedia of Islam brought out by E.J. Brill of the Netherlands,
and material more relevant and comprehensible to Sri Lankan scholars
can be culled from the instructive contribution of Azeez to Education
in Ceylon - Centenary Volume. He won the Sahithya Award on his Tamil
publication Islam in Ceylon. Few recall the three books in Tamil
by Azeez: ‘Spell of Egypt’, ‘East African Scene’
and the absorbing revelations in ‘Tamil Travelogue’.
Orator in English and Tamil, widely learned speaker,
respected scholar and educationist Dr. Azeez was placed among the
“100 Great Muslim Leaders of the 20th Century”. The
choice was made from among at least five personalities competing
for one place in this book.
The 100 major personalities are categorized
into “Leaders and Rulers”, "Revolutionaries and
Freedom Fighters”, “Ulema and Jurists”, “Writers
and Poets” and “Educationists and Social Reformers”.
Dr. Azeez has been correctly placed among educationists and social
reformers, an honour which he fully earns by his enviable record
of performance.
This impressive publication by the respected Institute
of Objective Studies, New Delhi, is worth reading. The historical
maps of the 20th century, the incisive yet concise preface offers
essential preliminary information and the well researched “Introduction”
by editors Professors Khan and Momin become indispensable preparatory
The book will remain authoritative education
to anyone in the Muslim world.