The Chillies - a celebration
of advertising
This year’s advertising awards took a hot
new look with the Chillies advertising awards – a week-long
event that culminated last night with the presentation of the awards
for ‘the best’ in the business.
The awards ceremony was not merely a single event
but festival of advertising which ran for a week. As the organizers
call “it is a celebration of advertising that endeavours to
reward and encourage excellence in creativity in advertising.
The Chillies Ad Week started off last week at
the Trans Asia Hotel on May 13 with the Spice Sessions, workshops
and seminars on advertising. The sessions were conducted by internationally
recognized panel of professionals for art directors and creative
people in the ad industry.
The radio workshops for Art Directors titled “Radio
for Art Directors” were conducted by Tony Hertz, whose passion
for radio spanned 30 years with an award winning career as an international
agency Creative Director.
Mr. Hertz is the proprietor of Radio Creative/Production
companies namely Hertz Radio & Other Clever Advertising Ltd.,
launched in 2001 after his tenure of 14 years at McCann-Erickson
as a Creative Director. Under his direction, McCann creative departments
in Tokyo, Brussels and Birmingham won Eurobest, Cresta, London International,
Clio and British Television Awards and a Cannes Lion.
The first Gold Lion in Thai history Ms. Jureeporn
Thaidumrong, Founder/Executive Creative Director of JEH United Limited,
Bangkok, Thailand and Mr. Birger Linke, Integrated Art Director
of Saatchi & Saatchi Singapore conducted another seminar for
the Creatives in the industry.
The panel of judges included five international
judges - Tony Hertz, Ms. Jureeporn Thaidumrong, Birger Linke, Alex
Lim and Ms. Preetivathi Viyas Gannett. The local judges were chosen
from the nominations of the agencies themselves.
Visitors take a look at the exhibits |
An exhibition of the total collection of the entries
that were received for the Chillies was being displayed at Trans
Asia Beira Terrace till today with the winning entries also on exhibition
after yesterday’s the awards night.
“Judges on the hot seat”, judges forum
happened on the 18th which was conducted by Jimmy Lam of Ad fest
fame. The celebrations topped up with the awards ceremony and the
after party at Kings Court,Trans Asia Hotel.