the LTTE for what it is
The LTTE, the most brutal and barbaric terrorist
organisation in the world stands exposed in the eyes of the rest
of the world after the EU ban. Whatever little sympathy the world
community had for it has collapsed. There is a saying that you can
fool some people some of the time but not all the people all the
time. The LTTE is the master of the art of duplicity and lies. Even
with the CFA in operation it is exploding claymore mines to provoke
the forces to attack the innocent public and get mileage out of
it. Dr. Anton Balasingham has reportedly said that banning the LTTE
would pave the way for war. Little does he realise that if another
war breaks out it will bring misery and mass destruction to the
same community for whose liberation he was fighting. Tit-for-tat
massacres are taking place on both sides.
The Tigers have effectively stifled the independence
of the Tamil press. It was reported that representatives of some
media associations made a pilgrimage to Kilinochchi recently to
plead with the Tigers not to kill Tamil journalists working for
the state media. Tamilchelvan with his usual cunning smile had reportedly
told them that the Tigers never target media personnel. Again it
proves that the LTTE is a master in the art of lying. The Tigers
killed Relangi of Rupavahini, Iyer of EPDP and a host of journalists
like the Editor of Thinamurasu.
The LTTE gave assurances to the Principal of the
Jaffna Central College, but he too was killed. Its promises are
not worth the paper they are written on. Let these journalists who
went to Kilinochchi remember that you can never trust the Tigers.
They say one thing and do another.
And finally a word about the Karuna factor which
is a major sticking point for the commencement of the peace talks.
What the govt. delegation should note is that the Karuna group does
not come under the definition of para-military groups as they did
not exist at the time of signing the CFA. What the govt. can do
is to bring about a ceasefire between the Wanni Tigers and the Karuna
group through the SLMM. In fact Karuna himself declared a cease-fire
but nobody took any serious note of it. The Tigers also should be
made to tolerate any dissenting opinion.
The security forces are not in a mood to fight
another war with the Karuna faction. What the LTTE wants is for
the govt. to do the dirty work of disarming the Karuna faction so
that the LTTE could annihilate them one by one as they did the EPDP
& EPRLF cadres. Then the LTTE will turn its guns on the govt.
It is a pity that Ranil Wickremesinghe has fallen into this trap
of the Tigers, calling for the disarmament of the Karuna group.
Let us learn from history.
Remember ‘Karuna checkmates Prabha’.
Let us suppose tomorrow three splinter groups break away from the
LTTE, is it the duty of the government
to disarm them all?
T. Thavarajah
Colombo 6
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Fowzie hit by ‘fly-over-fever’
Minister Fowzie has always been a very active minister
keen to solve problems. Unfortunately he has been infected with
“fly-over fever” possibly by advisers who prefer the
most expensive solutions. Big costs – big contracts –
big commissions!
A fly-over at Nugegoda junction would be disastrous
for this thriving business area.
The most practical and least expensive solution
to ease traffic problems at this point would be construction of
a subway crossing under High Level Road to accommodate traffic on
Kohuwela Road and development of the by-roads for traffic entering
High Level Road.
Topographical conditions are favourable as High
Level Road is at a much higher elevation than the road crossing
it at this point.
The vast amount of money saved on acquisition
and construction could be used to better purpose elsewhere.
Lincoln Wijeyesinghe
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My heart bleeds for you
Whenever I hear news of “a soldier shot dead”,
“a guard killed by hand grenade”, or “an LTTE
cadre shot dead”, I think – “Now, whose son is
that? How is the mother facing it? Whose husband is he? How is the
wife coping with the shock of the news? Whose father is he? Are
the children at an age to understand that he is never coming back?”
and my heart bleeds.
But often we, Sri Lankans have become so desensitized
to reports of death at the war front that the news of the dead has
become just numbers. Not a day passes without us hearing of some
death due to the war. Though it’s true that such losses are
to be expected, too often the calamity seems to be a lapse on the
part of the government. How many lives are lost in vain? Do we keep
quiet knowing that – if only the proper cannons were used
so many lives would have been saved? If only life jackets were available
so many would have survived and so many women need not have become
widows. If only the proper guns were purchased some mother’s
son need not have died? How can we? After all they are all our children
- Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims, all are Sri Lankan youth.
The only way to combat this menace is to insist
that the children of politicians join the army and navy. Then the
politicians will doubly make sure no second class equipment is used,
that all safety measures are taken and no unnecessary retaliation
will take place. Easier said than done, but is there any other way?
Dr. Mareena Thaha Raffai
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Where are those saviours?
The people put a lot of faith, trust and confidence
in President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his “Chinthanaya”
to seek a reasonable solution to their sufferings. The vital issue
has been the ever-spiralling cost of living, which has now reached
dizzy heights with no concerted efforts to bring some permanent
relief and redress.
These are some of the startling ‘achievements’
of the “Chinthanaya”:
Sugar, flour, rice, bread, vegetables, kerosene,
petrol, diesel etc., including electricity, water charges and bus
fares have all gone up phenomenally in price. At this rate life
has almost become a veritable struggle for survival. These were
not the pre-election pledges promised to the people. Instead they
have been taken on a jolly good ride. The only consolation however,
has been the setting back of the clock by half an hour, which the
Chandrika regime put forward.
It is also quite strange that the so called political
parties who claim to be the “saviours of the people”
are now maintaining a mute silence.
Mohamed Nalim
Colombo 9
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Thank you dear friends and colleagues
The recent trial I underwent has been painful,
But I realize now it was a blessing in disguise;
I feel so privileged to have so much support -
From so many people, all loving and wise.
My friends, family, professionals, the President,
And the entire society never failed -
To show that they would stand by my side -
To show that justice would prevail!
My faith in God has only increased,
And my faith in all of you has too;
I have learnt and gained so much from this,
And for that, I must thank you.
My dear friend, you being there for me -
When I was in pain and suffering too,
Is something I will deeply cherish -
My whole life through!
M. T. Ziyad Mohamed
Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka
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Few street truths or few street lies?
I did not know whether to laugh or cry when I read
a letter from Pro Bono Publico titled the "CCD and a few street
First, in trying to deal with your reporter, Asif
Fuard’s account about the dastardly murder of Inspector Douglas,
the writer has chosen to remain anonymous. Whoever this Pro Bono
Publico is, he must know that your esteemed and widely read newspaper
published his revelations only because it was deemed fit to print.
He says the CCD is not so naive to arrest fellow
police officers without any justification. Come, come Pro Bono who
told you this? All you have to do is go through past records and
you will know that the Police
Department, that includes the CCD, have made arrests without
In this instance, he forgets the fact that all
police officers arrested by the CCD have filed fundamental rights
applications in the country's highest legislature -the Supreme Court.
Six of these officers, believe it or not, have been re-instated
even before the cases were heard. If as the writer says there was
justification in the arrest of Inspector Douglas and they took him
in with lightning speed, no arrests have yet been made over his
murder. Whilst ignoring the fate that befell Inspector Douglas and
his wife, Pro Bono has chosen it fit to chide Fuard's account in
The Sunday Times.
The scene of the crime |
He has no facts to rebut them except to make a
few tardy and irrelevant comments. This makes it clear that whoever
Pro Bono is, he is hurt and hurt very badly. Perhaps such Pro Bonos
would naturally feel anything is mala fide if the truth, the bitter
truth and nothing but the truth hurts them.
Your reporter Asif Fuard and your newspaper should
be congratulated for having the courage and conviction to bring
out the truth.
Let a few frustrated, disgruntled Pro Bonos scream
but the truth will always triumph. More strength to Fuard's elbow.
The vast silent majority are with him and The Sunday Times.
Asela Abeywarna
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Playing pandu even with the 2550th Buddha Jayanthi
Vesak day
Over twenty years ago on May 11,1985, I wrote expressing
concern that sport was being indulged in on the Thrice Blessed holy
day of Vesak.
This is an event respected and venerated not merely
in Sri Lanka but throughout the entire civilised world as well.
A year later, it was reported in the Press (16.
5. 86), that sports competitions on Vesak days had been banned by
the Sports Ministry from that year. However, to my utter surprise
I learned that a Tennis Tournament was conducted by the Sri Lanka
Tennis Association, on May 12 this year, the 2550th Buddha Jayanthi
Vesak day.
If this is true I would like to know from the
Ministry how this came about and what they have to say. It is
not altogether unknown that this is a country famous for law and
order being observed in the breach, and nonchalantly tossed overboard
with the least regard for propriety, a glaring example, amongst
many, being the contemptuous disregard for the ban on liquor on
the 2550th Buddha Jayanthi, thus spawning the underworld and giving
rise to lawlessness and crime.
Is it to be wondered why we are sliding headlong
into a degenerate society not withstanding our proud boast of an
ancient, much cherished and rich culture which must surely be a
C.H. Gunasekara
to the Editor' should be brief and to the point.
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