
Walawwa upkeep for Archaeological Dept.

By Teles Anandappa

Stanley Obeysekera who claims ownership of Obeysekera Walawwa in Rajagiriya, is seeking court intervention for the Archeological Department to take over the maintenance of the property. Mr. Obeysekera has filed a testamentary case in the District Court of Colombo claiming the ancestral properties of his uncle, the late Fredrick Obeysekara.

Obeysekera ’s lawyer Nihal Jaymanne, PC informed court that the house and property in dispute was in such a dilapidated condition that he had no objections to transferring the maintenance of the premises to the Archeological Department till the conclusion of the case.

Archeological Department representatives said they would accept the offer as the premises were declared a monumental structure by the Department. The ownership of the property is in dispute with allegedly fraudulent documents being produced by the caretaker Sarath Wijewardena claiming that he is the rightful owner.

The next hearing is on October 3 and 9.


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