EU transfer opportunities for renewable energy technologies
The scope for environmentally sound renewable energy
technologies to meet Sri Lanka’s growing energy demand is
enormous. In view of the escalating petroleum prices, reaching the
maximum possible large-scale hydropower potential, and the possible
negative impacts on the environment, growing attention is paid towards
renewable energy sources for power generation and to head towards
energy security. Practical Action (formerly Intermediate Technology
Development Group: ITDG) from Sri Lanka and the UK; Energy Forum
from Sri Lanka and Both Ends from the Netherlands with co-funding
from the European Commission – Asia Pro Eco Program have been
implementing the “Networking for Promotion of Renewable Energy
Technologies” (NetPRET) Project for promotion of renewable
energy technologies in Sri Lanka.
As a part of this project, the Ceylon Chamber
of Commerce together with implementing partners of the NetPRET Project
is organizing a Seminar on Technology Transfer Opportunities from
European Union in Renewable Energy Technologies on July 17, 2006,
from 2.30 – 5.30 p.m. at the Ground Floor Auditorium of the
Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.
The key objectives of this seminar are
*Facilitate a dialogue between EU technology providers
and local counterparts
*Facilitate technology transfer by EU to local private sector institutions.
*Identify/develop collaboration with provincial councils, NGOs and
financial institutions
*Link the light engineering enterprises to technology transfer strategy
who would provide the maintenance support including provision of
spare parts where applicable
The seminar will be conducted by resource persons
from technology providers in the UK and the Netherlands.
The representatives of technology providers would
be available for a short period of time after the Seminar for one-to-one
discussions with interested private sector companies. The target
audience would include representatives of the private sector organizations,
key energy related institutions, financial institutions, decision
makers and renewable energy related associations. Those interested
in participating are requested to contact the Ceylon Chamber of
Commerce. |