Going back to the dark era
The dreaded power cuts may be imposed again if
consumers do not reduce usage immediately, Power and Energy Minister
John Seneviratne warned yesterday.
He said a save-electricity programme had been
introduced to avoid power cuts, but if the people did not co-operate,
the government would have to introduce the power cuts.
The minister said he hoped the increasing of electricity
rates would also help reduce consumption but if that too failed
the power cuts would come though not under emergency regulations
as was done earlier.
Ceylon Electricity Board Vice Chairman B.R.O Fernando
said they would meet local authority heads to discuss the save-energy
programme, especially the strict monitoring of the street lights.
He said the CEB would propose CFL energy-saving bulbs be used and
the lights-on period be strictly restricted to ten hours.
Mr. Fernando said studies had revealed that the
biggest energy eaters in private offices were the air conditioning
systems and the CEB would be advising private firms to regulate
their AC system at 26 degree Celsius. The CEB official appealed
to families to help the nation at a time of crisis by conserving