Is my daughter safe, asks a desperate mother
By Dilshath Bhanu
Fifteen days and still no news: Wimalawathie waiting at the
BIA for at least some news of her daughter. Pic. by Berty Mendis |
The much-waited IOM flight, which was supposed
to arrive on Friday morning, bringing Lankan workers from Lebanon,
landed at the BIA yesterday at 1.30 p.m. Some minutes later, 291
migrant workers rushed out of the arrival terminal, with whatever
they had in their possession and got into a bus taking them to ‘Sahana
Many looked tired and pale, and were eager to
get into the bus. While stowing her bags in the bus, Thushari Siriwardene
said that as a result of the flight delay, she was stranded in Syria
for four days without proper food.
“Most of those who came on this flight faced
a similar situation. I am very tired and need to go home soon”
she said.
Monica (32) said she heard bombs going off and
then a huge explosion.
“The problem started on July 13. As soon
as my madam heard there would be more bombings, she took off. My
belongings are there. I think they must be destroyed by now. I don’t
have any money, as I was not paid for the whole month. I am coming
with nothing with me” she said.
A similar experience was suffered by H. Indrani
(35). “On July 17 I watched on TV Lebanon being bombed. I
heard helicopters flying overhead and explosions but was not able
to see anything as I was inside most of the time.”
She said her employer left and she did not know
what to do.
“I saw everyone running and I didn’t
know where to go as I didn’t have my passport or other documents.
Anyway, I found the way to our embassy where I was provided with
emergency documents to get back,” she said.
She said she was not paid for 7 months and had
very little to bring back.
“Everything I earned is lost now,”
she said.
While most of the women were rushing to get into
the buses, 63-year-old Wimalawathie from Matara, was desperately
showing her daughter’s photo to the other housemaids and asking
whether they knew of her whereabouts.
“I am here for 15 days now. I asked the
authorities to tell me whether I can call my daughter to see whether
she was ok. But they said that the phone is ringing but there is
no answer. I want to know whether my daughter is safe or not”
she said.