CRIB helps ‘good’ borrowers
Borrowers from banks and finance companies are
often wary of CRIB because it provides financial institutions information
on the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ status of borrowers.
Now CRIB (the Credit Information Bureau of Sri
Lanka) wants to allay such fears and not be perceived as a ‘bad’
guy. This is by enhancing the credibility of ‘good’
borrowers. “Our credit reports (statements requested by financial
institutions) will provide details of all borrowers who have paid
up in full without default on loans taken.
It would immensely improve their credit rating.
Banks are always looking for good and reliable borrowers,”
said N.P.H. Amarasena, CRIB’s Director/General Manager.
CRIB is also removing off its credit reports –
after a year – borrowers who have defaulted but subsequently
settled the loans in full. Earlier the names were available forever.
According to CRIB 2005 annual report, a total
of 176,074 loans were given by all financial institutions of which
50,913 borrowers had defaulted.
Information retained by CRIB is confidential and
cannot even be accessed by a court order or the Inland Revenue Department,
according to Amarasena unless under some specific laws.