Quoted companies
The Sunday Times FT reports on rating for quoted
companies are good. I am so happy that your group of newspapers
has decided to “gently” warn investors on the Colombo
Stock Exchange with a rating of financial institutions such as Arpico
Finance Co. Ltd which is actually quite dead.
It is the official business of the CSE and the
SEC to do so especially in the matter of quality of real auditing
done. They have done virtually nothing, despite being told. The
investors therefore believe in a system that betrays by not working.
Where is the analysis?
A basic factor to focus upon is the quality or
reality of the asset base. Is the security taken for loans physically
traceable such as Real Estate, Vehicles, good quality collateral,
or is it all based upon paper and fictional (untraceable) substances?
In fact a whole lot of loans C/F are bad debts carried forward because
even when it is named non performing loans they attribute income
from such loans to determine “Profit”! (at a fixed rate).
The auditors who certify such ‘fiction’
are culpable and must be struck off. What about the wide-eyed and
unknowing shareholders, depositors/ investors – you and me?
Rohan Jayawardane
Business Editor’s note: Rating reports that we publish are
not our own but sent to us by two rating agencies – Fitch
and Lanka Rating Agency. |