Tourist industry: doing it ‘My Way’
“In China, India and the Gulf States,
both domestic and international travel is booming, due to lower
air fares and emerging middle classes keen to travel for the first
time. Between India and China a total of 35,000 additional hotel
rooms will be required to reach the same penetration as in the developed
countries, and the majority of these will be positioned in the economy
and mid- market segments and these new markets pose unique challenges
in politics and ownership, as well as in recruiting, training and
retention of local staff”
“You did it your way” before –
Tourism Industry and it is time to do it again your way, without
looking for an extended hand of a Minister, the Tourist Board or
others, all of whom are engaged in their own games of power play.
With or without the Tourism Act amended or not, with or without
the new Tourism Authority – You, the young and capable leadership
of the sector can do it again, provided you are together, looking
ahead, and thinking outside the box. Remember the dark days after
the airport attack; togetherness and collective strategic action
paved the way ahead.
Hospitality 2010 – “Four Mega –
Trends to shape the Future Financial Success” states the June
2006 report from Deloitte and New York University. It answers the
question ‘how many drivers of change are there in our industry?’
With – ‘Far too Many.’ It goes on to state that
the hospitality industry will need to address four transformative
issues over the next three to five years, including brand, emerging
markets, human assets and technology. These factors are expected
to be key drivers in determining winners and losers through 2010
and beyond, and are likely to impact shareholder value states the
report. The report shows how individual hospitality enterprises
address several key intertwining trends that greatly affect the
ability to seize these opportunities and achieve financial success.
Brand is expected to surpass location as the deciding
factor in hotel choices, according to the report which said, “Today,
virtually all travellers consider location to be extremely influential
in hotel choices, compared with slightly more than half being influenced
by Brand”. “Customers expect the brand promise to cover
every interaction with the organization – pre stay, stay and
post stay.” “If the hotel gets it right, they can expect
improved customer loyalty, and guests who are loyal to their preferred
brand are likely to stay more and spend more”. “We estimate
that an upscale hotel chain has 200 million guest touch points annually,
creating challenges in consistent delivery of the brand promise,
customer relationship management and talent management”.
“In China, India and the Gulf States, both
domestic and international travel is booming, due to lower air fares
and emerging middle classes keen to travel for the first time. Between
India and China a total of 35,000 additional hotel rooms will be
required to reach the same penetration as in the developed countries,
and the majority of these will be positioned in the economy and
mid- market segments and these new markets pose unique challenges
in politics and ownership, as well as in recruiting, training and
retention of local staff,” says the report that predicts the
travel and tourism spend in the US, both domestic and outbound,
to increase from $830 million to a staggering $1.6 trillion by 2015
leaving room for growth, particularly at the luxury end of the market.
It also predicts that the “Aging Consumers
will change the game” with baby boomers bringing a huge demographic
change in the US and Europe with enormous amounts of disposable
income. They are expected to live longer, be more active, travel
more and desire new experiences both in terms of cultural and event
based tourism. “The percentage of the population aged 65 and
over in Europe is projected to increase from 15% in 2000 to nearly
25% by 2015 and increased travel by the ‘silver’ segment
is likely to maintain Europe’s position as the number one
tourism exporting region, delivering some 730 million travelers,”
says the spokesperson who goes on to state “in addition to
addressing the needs of aging consumers/travellers, the hospitality
industry will need to address talent management issues, as aging
population hampers the ability to find sufficient staff in some
The report also points out that “the industry
is historically in the lowest quartile of technology spending within
consumer businesses; however, all the executives interviewed expect
to increase IT investments, particularly in reservations, distribution,
loyalty programmes, and customer relationship management. In the
US and Western Europe, more people relied on the Internet for travel
information last year than relied on friends and acquaintances,
posing significant challenges and opportunities for industry. In
addition more demanding customers have come to expect more personalized
service, and in the future hospitality suppliers will need to consider
online room selection and check-in, personalized bed (variable firmness),
and personalized in room food and beverage offering.”
It sums up as “historically, the airline
industry has led the way in loyalty programmes, with travellers
showing greater preferences for airline miles more than hotel points
and making conscious decisions to fly the same carrier despite inconvenient
schedules”. All the CEO’s interviewed for the report
had said that they plan to spend more on IT and pursue efforts to
interact direct with guests to maximize revenue and avoid merchant
intermediary costs, which can be as high as 25% of room revenue.
Good luck to the sector to face tomorrow with