Coal-fired plants for power – viable or not?
By Dinesh Weerakkody
We all know how well the CEB’s supply and
distribution arms serve the public and most people are also aware
that we are faced with an impending power crisis looming large in
the horizon.
Furthermore, we also know the power reforms proposed
by the government cannot bring down the price of power because the
JVP will not allow any change to the way it is managed.
There are a host of problems, it seems, when
it comes to generating power: from the high price to the inability
of the powers-that-be to improve the managing of the plants.
In Sri Lanka inefficiency, corruption and waste
in the CEB also adds to the cost of power. So if we actually need
substantial benefits from the proposed reform there has to be fundamental
reform perhaps even some form of privatization and franchise options.
The Power Minister is saying there would be power cuts soon if consumers
do not reduce their usage.
If what the Minister is saying is true, then it
is necessary that the power generation capability of the CEB is
reviewed immediately and steps taken to develop our capability.
That would save the country a lot of economic hardship and prevent
the country going back to the dark era of 2001.
However, due to many years of bungling the saving
grace would definitely come at a high price to the consumer. Hydro
is still our best option, but we have used up most of our best sites.
As oil prices continue to rise we may need to look at alternate
energy sources.
We may need to supplement traditional fuels by
at least 10 to 20 percent by 2015. The World Bank and the IMF have
said many times over that the power sector is one the government
needs to pay special attention to in infrastructure development.
The options are many.
In fact Susil Premajayanath, a former Power Minister
has stated that that the quick implementation of the Norochchalai
Coal Power Plant would save the country a lot of economic hardship.
But the problem with coal now is that though it was one of the cheapest
source six years ago, it is not so at present because prices since
then have seen a huge increase.
Therefore if and when the Norochcholai power project
is completed, chances of the country spending a lot more than anticipated
on purchasing coal would become a major issue for any government.
Despite opposition from the Church and protest from the public to
stop the project the President laid the foundation stone for this
project saying he was committed to providing power to the country
at affordable rates.
Undoubtedly all citizens of the country would
support the President to avoid another dreaded power crisis, provided
all the financial transactions associated with the project are done
in a transparent way and the project is managed by competent professionals.
Reports also indicate the CEB would soon call for offers for the
development of coal power in the southern coast in Hambantota.
Norochcholai Project
The government according to CEB sources are looking at a 900 MW
of coal power costing the CEB over three billion dollars. The first
project will have 300 MW of coal power. Analysts however say the
CEB has not done its homework on the Norochcholai project properly
and therefore it could have disastrous results on some fronts. Let
us examine some of the factors that could have a negative impact
on the environment, CEB Finance and the country in general.
In the Report Prepared by Electro watt Engineering, Zurich, Switzerland,
Consultants to the Ceylon Electricity Board, under the title "Study
Report Phase 1, Document No: RE-12548-022-02 of April 1998 on the
Coal Fired Thermal Development Project, West Coast" the following
are stated with regard to the site conditions:
Section 2.2.2 (Page 2-5)
"The level of the existing terrain, on average +2.7 meters
MSL, is too low to satisfy the development of the power plant. Therefore
a platform 1.8 meters’ high is required." "The proposed
Site level has to provide sufficient hydraulic head to allow the
overflow of the storm water (rainwater) ditch surrounding the Site
and the treated waste waters to be discharged to the sea."
Therefore about 1,000,000 cubic meters of fill material will be
required to construct this platform.
According to the report the possible sources of
fill material are sea sand and by leveling of the sand dunes. However
not more than 30% of sea sand can be used and also the report does
not identify any other fill material that can be used. Leveling
of the dunes according to consultants to provide sand is unacceptable
as these are natural barriers that protect the land from sea erosion.
What is most disturbing is that the design of
the plant makes limited reference to site filling requirements.
The Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report, Document No: Re-12548-017-02
of March 1998, by the same consultants, Electro watt Engineering
of Zurich, Switzerland according to Consultants glosses over the
site filling and preparation and the connected environmental impact.
Page 0-1, Executive Summary, sub-paragraph 0.1,
Para 2 only states that the prepared total area of land (about 102.6
hectares) will meet the full requirements of the three construction
phases and that no other clearances are required (apart from the
transmission line corridor)"
Filling of Site
According to consultants the filling of the site to bring it up
to the required level would pose a huge challenge and would have
very serious adverse environmental consequences; for example;
1) Filling of the site will take 50, 10-ton truck
loads per day for 365 days. The dust from the trucks carrying and
dumping earth will pose a major health hazard for the people in
the area.
2) The earth would have to be excavated and that would leave an
aggregate area of about 500 acres of excavated land.
3) Flooding -when an area of 102 hectares or 270
acres are raised six feet or more above the surroundings –
the report proposes a canal for the run-off water – the environmental
report does not say how they plan to manage the run-off water during
monsoons, when three inches of rain are frequent, this canal according
to engineers may have to be as much as 240 feet wide at the top
and not more than four feet deep to prevent seawater entering the
canal. The canal will also require about another 50 acres of land.
Ash Disposal
Today there is ample research in China and India that shows that
ash disposal from coal power plants is a major environmental challenge
and needs to be managed professionally. The Environmental Impact
Assessment Report (EIAR) does not deal with this issue adequately.
The following are some excerpts from the EIA Report:
1) Ash Deposit
Gives a table of ash production. per the table the following are
the quantities of Ash produced per year (in tons):
Coal Power Plant
Capacity 300 MW – 78,840 tons of ash produced per year: 900
MW – 236,520 tons of ash produced per year.
Para 2, page 2-9 merely states "Ash produced
by the coal fired power plant is potentially a useful raw material
for the cement and concrete industries. It is anticipated that the
bulk of the fly ash will be taken over by the industry, and therefore
only a small part of the total ash (namely the bottom wet ash) will
have to be disposed.
The Puttalam Cement factory has shown interest
to recycle the re-useable fly ash within the manufacture of cement
and cement products (see SD Sec.1 2.1)".
Consultants challenge this statement and say it
is incorrect. As per the Sri Lanka Standards Institute (SLSI) specification
107, the percentage of fly ash in cement is limited to 5 percent
by weight. The capacity of the Puttalam Cement factory is 500,000
metric tons per year. Therefore the quantity of fly ash that can
be mixed with cement is 25,000 tons per year. The first 300 MW plant
will produce 78,840 tons of fly ash per year. Hence there will be
a surplus of 53,840 tons of ash that will have to be disposed each
year elsewhere.
2) Fly Ash
Coal ash has to be collected, allowed to cool and then loaded in
to trucks for transport. The following are the problems associated
with transport and unloading of ash:
First there will be leaching into the soil during
rain and contamination of underground water springs. Also fly ash
will escape to the atmosphere during the following operations:
(i) When ash is filled into a truck, an equal
volume of air is displaced; the displaced air will move ash around.
(ii) A similar phenomenon will occur when ash
is unloaded and again ash will escape to the atmosphere
(iii) Ash has to be stored until it is used; during
the dry season the wind will make it airborne.
Coal ash contains potentially harmful elements
including arsenic and mercury. Coal ash is extremely fine in nature
and easily airborne, when breathed coal ash can cause irritation
of the lung tissues and aggravate respiratory diseases, such as
asthma, emphysema, and similar lung diseases. Prolong inhalation
of fly ash and coal dust could give rise to lung disease or pneumonia.
Rainwater run-off from coal storage areas and ash dumps could contaminate
the underground water, lakes and rivers.
The difficulty in ash disposal can be seen from the experience in
the following countries that both produce and use coal for power
Damandeep Singh, a journalist with a top Indian newspaper, says
in a recent article that fly ash poses major health hazard for people
living in Delhi. According to him driving down the Capital’s
Ring Road during summer is a nightmare.
Strong westerly winds pick up fly ash from the
Indraprastha power station, and disperse it over a large area. Residents
of the surrounding areas and commuters are the worst hit. Within
four years of its commissioning in 1982, the Indraprasatha power
plant is today perceived by people living in Delhi as a serious
health hazard.
Although plant authorities insist that their electrostatic
precipitators – the devices used to trap fly ash – are
working properly, breakdowns are a common occurrence. As much as
1,300 tons is generated by the Indraprasatha power station daily.
Only a small fraction of this is utilized. The rest flies in the
air or is washed into the Yamuna River and just adds to the city’s
pollution levels.
The Indian fly ash problem grew unabated in the
80s. Power plant developers continued to trivialize the problem
and claimed that fly ash had many uses. In June 1998, the government
enacted legislation to control ‘the fly ash menace’.
The Indian Express of June 20, 1998 summarizes the action taken
by the Government to control fly ash accumulation:
Delhi June 19, 1998: “In order to check
the growing menace of coal ash, the Ministry of Environment and
Forests (MEF) has brought out a notification which bars clearance
of new power stations without fly ash utilization plans.
Right from their inception, plants will have to
provide 20 percent fly ash utilization during the first year and
increase it by 10 percent every year after that. This is being done
to discourage the indiscriminate and rampant dumping of fly ash.”
Australia: Australian coal-fired power plants
produce over eight million tons of fly ash every year. Approximately
10 percent of this is put into cement and concrete: the rest end
up in ash dams.
USA: “The American Coal Association (ACAA)
reports that utilities and other coal-burning facilities generate
nearly 50 million tons of fly ash annually. Of this total, approximately
37 million tons are land filled, while only 22%, or 13 million tons
are used in road construction and in mixture with cement and concrete
Generally unused fly ash are transported to abandoned
mines or areas where strip mining has occurred
Ash Accumulation
In the absence of other means of using fly ash, then the only option
is to accumulate the ash. The ash accumulation area needed for a
30 year period estimated in a feasibility study prepared in the
1970s, for the then proposed 300 MW coal power plant in Trincomalee,
is given below.
If the ash were piled to a height of 66 feet,
the area required would be around 220 acres. If the ash were piled
to a height of 20 feet, the area required would be around 455 acres.
In contrast Electro watt has identified an area of 30 acres based
on the assumption that ash can be readily absorbed by the construction
and cement industries.
If ash has to be accumulated, an area of 1,365
acres will be required. Therefore the CEB now that it has taken
the first step to establish a coal plant should work on a reliable
ash disposal plan to ensure that the community does not suffer due
to poor planning.
In this analysis I have only attempted to highlight some of the
site-specific problems and the environmental impact of using coal
power plants. In the interest of the community at large the first
question that has to be answered by the CEB is about the ash disposal?
Then secondly, whether coal should become the
core fuel for future power generation? If they don’t have
proper answers they should do an indepth study before they embark
on any investments, even if this means delays. Such a study need
not even require international consultants.
There are national-interest minded Sri Lankan
professionals both in the public and private sector who could within
a short period address some of these issues.
In the final analysis there are many other means
for generating power with limited environmental impact and also
more competitive than coal.
The government should therefore do more than simply
appealing to the people to conserve energy and stop interfering
with the lives of the people. Instead focus on reforming the CEB,
which is costing the taxpayer billions of rupees per year.