Sri Lanka accounting standards published
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka
(ICASL), has published the Sri Lanka Accounting Standards Book –2006
edition which contains 33 standards of which 15 standards are contained
in the 2003 edition, 16 revised standards and two new standards
adopted in 2005.
ICASL said of the 33 standards, 31 are based on
corresponding International Accounting Standards promulgated by
the International Accounting Standard Board, while two are nationally
formulated Standards, for which there are no corresponding International
The Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards
Act No. 15 of 1995 legally empowers the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of Sri Lanka to promulgate and publish in the gazette the Sri Lanka
Accounting Standards.
As required by the Act, the Standards have been
reviewed by the Statutory Accounting Standards Committee, set up
under the Act in accordance with the Due Review Process and recommended
for adoption by the Council of the Institute. Accordingly, the Council
has adopted these Standards as Sri Lanka Accounting Standards (SLAS).
The 2006 edition includes certain additional features-
cross reference to the corresponding international standards, reference
to gazette notifications and reconciliation with the International
Accounting Standards and Glossary of Terms section which could be
used as a ready reckoner to obtain the meaning of financial accounting
terms, which are commonly used etc. The Bound Volume also includes
the Sri Lanka Accounting Standard for Smaller Enterprises (SLASSE),
which can be referred to, by preparers, audit users of such financial
statements. Copies of the Book can be obtained from the Main Library
of the Institute