
UNP goes to people with seminars

The UNP yesterday launched a countrywide public awareness programme to explain its position on the present war situation, the cost of living and other burning issues facing the people.

UNP parliamentarian Renuka Herath said the party hoped to conduct more than 50 seminars at district and electorate level under this programme which would continue till August 28.

She said the party’s aim was to draw the people’s attention to the Mahinda Rajapaksa administration’s failure to fulfil its promises given to the people in the Mahinda Chinthana manifesto.

The party conducted ten public seminars in Colombo, Gampaha and other districts yesterday with at least two parliamentarians addressing each seminar.

The party’s southern stalwart, Mahinda Wijesekara, told the Colombo seminar that as the UNP forewarned, the government had dragged the country back to war and had not fulfilled most of its election promises.

Parliamentarian Sajith Premadasa addressed the Hambantota seminar while National Organiser S.B. Dissanayake addressed the seminar in Ratnapura.

Uthayan storehouse destroyed by fire

The storehouse of the Jaffna based Udayan newspaper was burnt down on Friday night by an unidentified group of persons, destroying it completely, police said.

The storehouse at Kopay Road, Jaffna was burnt during the curfew.

Four men dressed in black with black cloth covering their faces had approached the building and blindfolded the security guard and chased him away.

He had been warned not to alert anyone about the fire or attempt to put it out and so the fire was reported to Police only last morning. The storehouse consisted of newsprint and electronic items.

When Police visited the scene last morning, the fire was still smouldering, residents said.

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