New ‘Guru Tharuwa’ at Elphinstone
‘Guru Tharuwa’, popular stsge drama,
will be staged again at the Elphinstone theatre on August 22 at
3.30 and 6.45 pm.
After completing ten years of run around the country,
this will be like relaunching the drama.
‘Guru Tharuwa’ is written and produced
by Jayalath Manorathna and originally staged in 1996.
The theme of ‘Guru Tharuwa’ is the
tragedy of harmful effects caused to Sri Lankan society due to removing
Aesthetic Literature as a subject and the literature teacher from
the class room.
In this new version drama, which added a novel
theme to the story line, will be open for critics. Rathnalalani
with Manorathna, Suminda Sirisena, Lal Kularathne, Jagath Benaragama,
Somapala Pathirage, Sampath Thennakoon, Dayadewa Edirisinghe, Sarath
Chandrasiri, Priyantha Senevirathne, Sashika and number of other
artistes star in this play.
Music creation is by Ranjith Balasuriya. Gesture
writing by Jagath Padmasiri, while Suwineetha Perera is in charge
of stage costume creations. The stage lighting by Lionel Bentarage
and Jude Srimal functions as the Chief Organizer.
‘Guru Tharuwa’, is considered as a semi documentary