Battery recall casts spotlight on lithium-ion technology
Lithium-ion batteries are ideal for mobile electronics
because they are lightweight, extremely energy-dense, and have a
unique chemistry allowing them to be recharged.
foundation is the lithium ion. Lightweight, highly reactive and
tiny, the metal can generate high voltage while taking up little
space, making it ideal for use in energy-sucking portable electronics.
Its chemical makeup also makes it easy to recharge.
But the batteries are also delicate. Manufacturing
contamination caused the overheating that prompted the recall of
nearly 6 million Sony Corp.-made batteries in the past two weeks
from Apple Computer Inc. and Dell Inc. laptops.
The basic chemical reaction involves coupling
a lithium-carbon compound _ which serves as the negative electrode
_ with cobalt oxide _ which serves as the positive electrode _ according
to K.M. Abraham, a lithium battery consultant and visiting chemistry
research professor at Northeastern University in Boston.
Normally this reaction is controlled and safe.
But if uncontrolled, the lithium can stoke a huge reaction, he said.
Because consumers are demanding more of ever-smaller
devices, engineers are boosting the power generated from lithium-ion
batteries while grappling with managing the extreme energy contained
in the small package.
Recharging is made easy because the ions can be
easily inserted and extracted without major structural changes in
the electrode material, Abraham said.
But there are dangers. If the battery isn't made
well, energy can be released very quickly in an uncontrolled fashion.
Abraham said the biggest threat is the possible
penetration of the thin barrier made of synthetic material _ about
as thick as a sheet of paper _ that separates the two electrodes
and prevents the quick release of energy.
If a particle _ such as a speck of metal _ breaches
the protective membrane during manufacturing, the particles worm
through the opening and collide with the electrode, causing the
device to short-circuit.
''There is still room to grow in terms of the
amount of energy we can squeeze form a lithium-ion battery,'' he
''The technology can be improved, but we're so
much in a hurry to come out with these consumer products, shortcomings
can occur in the finer details of the battery construction.''
(Reuters) |