Change the way we see the world
By Deepika Gunasekera
I was inspired to write this article while reading
the book of Stephen R. Covey’s “The7 habits of highly
effective people”.
A paradigm is more commonly used today to mean
a model, theory, perception or assumption. In simpler, words the
way we see the world (not in terms of seeing something visually
but understanding and interpreting). Paradigm shift is to “change
the way we look at things”.
In a business sense, it could be applied as new
thinking. You look at the big picture through a different point
of view. This enables industries to grow and science to develop.
According to Ptolemy the earth was the centre
of the universe. But Copernicus created a paradigm shift by saying
that the sun is the centre of the world.
If Copernicus didn’t find that out what
would the world be today? Many a great people who had changed the
world and made a difference whether it is scientists, philosophers,
politicians, businessmen they were “paradigm shifters”.
Sri Lanka needs to adopt this theory in business
and politics as well. But the problem today is that we are frightened
to take decisions for drastic changes as we are averse to change.
And we are rigid in our thinking. We do not look at things with
an open mind. One has to be reminded that if there is no risk there
won’t be any gain and higher the risk the higher the gain.
However, it is sad to say that human resources with this type of
talent are not given due recognition and put aside, as it’s
a threat to the more traditional and conventional school of thought.
I see a clash between these two schools in Sri Lanka mainly in the
public sector as well as in the private sector.
Companies like Dialog, Ceylinco Insurance grow
from strength to strength as they have adopted this technique of
thinking out of the box.
They make the seemingly impossible, possible.
It’s also extremely important that all concerned parties understand
the new wave of thinking in order to make it a success.
We have to start teaching this type of thinking
techniques at school level as well as in the universities. We should
train our undergraduates as they are going to be our future leaders.
Related subjects and case studies should be introduced
to the university curriculum. A trained mind can do wonders. By
introducing this type of thinking they will be able to contribute
more to the ever-changing world today.
In Japan, the 5 S concept is taught at the pre-school
level. And they have been successful. Why can’t we?
Covey also says efficient management is nothing
without effective leadership. He goes on to say many a leader is
stuck with day to day routine management tasks leaving little time
for direction and effective leadership. Food for thought. Isn’t