CCS launches first locally produced energy drink
Ceylon Cold Stores Limited (CCS) launched the first
locally produced energy drink - Wild Elephant last week with a penetration
pricing strategy and plans to popularise the brand in the rural
“We are the lowest in the market at Rs.95
compared to the other brands, all of which are imported,”
Upendra Gunaratne, Brand Manager Wild Elephant told The Sunday Times
FT. Foreign drinks in this category are in the over Rs 200 range
He said that the main reason behind this low pricing
strategy is to popularise the beverage in the rural areas. “We
want to market the concept in the rural areas as well, because if
not the volumes in the urban areas are far too small for us,”
he added. He said that the company can afford to sell at this price,
because unlike other imported brands CCS does not have to pay franchise
fees to principals.
Industry analysts said that the new entrant will
be tough competition for the present market leader – Red Bull,
imported by Stassens. “The world over Red Bull is the undisputed
global market leader, but a broadening of product types and proliferation
of brands means that its share is gradually being eroded,”
an industry analyst said.
Locally, including Red Bull and Booster there
are six imported brands competing in a very niche market. “The
pricing strategy of CCS on the new product will increase penetration
and increase the market share,” an industry analyst said.