Ceylinco Life extends leadership gap in first half of 2006

Ceylinco Life has extended its leadership in the first half of 2006 with premium income of Rs 2735 million, forging ahead of the competition.

This figure for the six months ending June 30, 2006, represents a healthy growth of 24 per cent over the corresponding period of last year and gives Ceylinco Life a substantial lead over its competitors, the company said this week.

Ceylinco Life's premium income consolidated with the premium income of the Ceylinco General Insurance Division adds up to a total premium income of Rs 7,358 million for the first half of 2006, and reinforces Ceylinco Insurance's status as the overall leader in the insurance market.

Ceylinco Life sold 82,958 new policies in the six months reviewed, at an average of more than 13,800 a month, or 460-plus new policies every day.

The company's Life Fund, which stood at Rs 11.9 Billion at December 31, 2005, exceeded Rs 13 Billion (Rs 13,025 million) as at June 30, 2006, consequent to a transfer of more than Rs 1,100 million for the first half of the year.

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