Despite publicity, public still unaware of value
of unit trusts
Despite publicity and awareness, Sri Lankans have
little knowledge of unit trusts and the usefulness of these investments,
it was revealed at the recent 11th annual general meeting of the
Unit Trust Association (UTA) of Sri Lanka.
Its President S. Jeyavarman said the general awareness
among the public about investing in units is low and the industry
lacks proper distribution and advisory channels to reach out to
the public in the country though the industry has collected approximatey
Rs 500 million in FY05/06. “In the coming year the industry
focus would be to create awareness among investors and explore distribution
channels to enhance product sale,” he told members.
Jeyavarman said unit trusts’ funds have
performed exceptionally well in recent years yielding good rewards
to the investors particularly in equity funds.
The industry currently has about 23,820 investors
with approximately Rs.4.9 billion worth of funds under management.
The UTA together with the Securities and Exchange Commission of
Sri Lanka is formulating guidelines to promote close-end funds to
extend the range comprising 13 open-ended funds currently marketed
by the member companies. This would enable creation of capital protected
equity funds and fixed maturity fixed income funds. UTA is also
consulting relevant authorities to list close-end funds with long
maturities thus promoting trading of units in the stock exchange
while providing exit facilities to the unit investors in such funds.
With the introduction of different forms of taxes
in the recent years the unit trust investment vehicles have been
burdened with these taxes.
The members of the Association have brought up
the implications of such taxes with relevant regulatory and fiscal
authorities to resolve them on a priority basis to enable further
development of the industry on the aforesaid manner and to provide
different investment avenues to investors, the president said. In
a press release the association said it strongly believes that the
unit trust should be placed at the national policy level to enable
all people in Sri Lanka to access the capital markets in a convenient
and hassle free manner for them to invest as an alternate to the
conventional saving instruments.
This would undoubtedly empower the investors to
achieve their financial needs in the future.
For the current committee, the following were
elected from its representative licensed unit trust management companies
namely Ceylon Asset Management Ltd, Commercial Fund Management (Pvt)
Ltd., Eagle NDB Fund Management Ltd., National Asset Management
Ltd. and The Unit Trust Management Company (Pvt) Ltd:
President - S Jeyavarman, Vice President - Gehan
Rajapakse, Secretary - Rachini Rajapaksa, Assistant Secretary -
Chitra Sathkumara, Treasurer - Indranee Jayasinghe, Assistant Treasurer
- P Asokan. Committee Members - Namal Kamalgoda, Prabodha Samarasekera,
Dulindra Fernando and Ruwan Perera.