Paper Vikings of no use
By S. L. Gunasekara
Major General Ulf Henricsson |
The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), was created
as a result of the Ceasefire Agreement (CFA), to “inquire
into any instance of violation of the terms and conditions,”
as stated in clause 3 of the CFA.
The members of the SLMM who were to be drawn from
Nordic Countries under clause 3.5- meaning not only from Nordic
Countries approved of by the LTTE were therefore, intended at least
on paper to function as ‘independent umpires’ and not
as a body, subservient to or afraid of either party.
As bad as the CFA is, it contains no provision
which entitles the LTTE or even the Government to unilaterally expel
or order any member of the SLMM to depart. Yet, the LTTE has peremptorily
ordered all members of the SLMM who are Nationals of Countries which
are members of the European Union [EU] to depart, and announced
that they would no longer guarantee the security of such members
if they did not obey their command to depart on or before the August
31, 2006.
Clause 3.10 of the CFA provides that “the
parties shall be responsible for the appropriate protection and
security arrangements of all SLMM members.”
What this means is that while the Government has
guaranteed that members of the SLMM will come to no harm in all
“cleared” areas of the North and the East, the LTTE
has guaranteed that they will come to no harm in areas of those
two Provinces in which they exercise usurped power. It is self evident
that in view of the tight dictatorial control which the LTTE exercises
over all inhabitants of the areas subject to their usurped power,
nobody whosoever could possibly harm a hair on the head of any member
of the SLMM in such areas without the approval of the LTTE. Thus,
the threat to withdraw the guarantee of security given to them by
the LTTE was nothing less than a positive threat to cause bodily
harm including death and dismemberment to them.
Thus, this order of the LTTE to the SLMM coupled
with such a threat was as grave and unforgivable a violation of
the CFA as one could imagine.The reaction of the SLMM to this outrage
committed by the LTTE, however was not to ‘rule’ and
rule strongly, that the LTTE had added another violation of the
CFA to the never ending litany of their violations, defying their
order and threats as anybody of independent monitors possessed of
some resemblance of self respect would have done, but to tamely
obey the orders of the LTTE and depart with their tails between
their legs.
Even after this outrageous treatment meted out
by the LTTE to some of their colleagues, the other members of the
SLMM have decided to remain ‘in office’ and continue
the sham monitoring they have been doing so far. Self respect, independence,
honour and courage appear to be qualities foreign to these ‘paper
This conduct of the SLMM proves two things beyond
any manner of doubt. First, that whatever the SLMM and in particular
their leader, Swedish Chief Ulf Henricsson may say, they have no
doubt that the LTTE would carry out their threat of harming the
Swedish, Finnish and Danish members of the SLMM if they did not
obey the command of the LTTE to depart; and secondly, that they
have at all times lived in mortal fear of the LTTE.
It is perhaps this fear of the LTTE, so deeply
ingrained in these `paper vikings’ that has led them to be
so manifestly partial to the LTTE at all times, and to even invent
a ‘Phantom Naval Force’ which it once rushed to accuse
of sinking a civilian Chinese ship in order to shield the LTTE from
blame for their own villainy in sinking that ship.
Nobody in his senses would ‘mourn’
or even regret the departure of the timorous `paper vikings’
such as Henricsson.
owever, the larger question that arises for consideration
is, what is the earthly use of retaining this bunch of ragamuffins
called the SLMM given their proved partiality to, and mortal fear
of, the LTTE ? Since the same functionary who appointed the existing
bunch of ‘paper vikings,’ will presumably appoint replacements.
One could reasonably expect that those appointed
from Iceland or any other country would be no different to their
utterly partial and equally timorous predecessors.
The ‘rich foreigners’ commonly called
the international community repeatedly make statements expressing
their confidence in Norway as the alleged ‘facilitator’
and hence in the SLMM. They can well do so because it is not their
country or citizens but we who have to suffer from the conduct of
these ‘paper vikings’.
Despite the gratuitous certificates given by the
international community to this group and their record will show
that they have not at any time, been able to prevent the LTTE from
kidnapping a child, or prevent the recruiting of children into their
armed cadres, or committing murder, extortion, intimidation or any
other act forbidden by the CFA. They have in short, they have been
of no use.
Under these circumstances it is time that we addressed
the SLMM, in the words of Oliver Cromwell, addressed by Leopold
Amery, a Member of Parliament of the Conservative Party to the Conservative
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in 1941:-
“You have (stayed) too long here for any
good you have been doing, Depart, I say, and let us have done with
you. In the name of God, go.”
The writer is a former M.P. and was a President of the Sihala Urumaya |