Pandemonium at Vanik EGM over ‘quit-Meegoda’
Justin Meegoda, CEO of Vanik Inc Ltd was opposed
vehemently by the shareholders and huge pandemonium created at the
extra ordinary general meeting (EGM), called by Carekleen (Pvt)
Limited and Premier Investment (Pvt) Limited, each holding 10 percent
stake of the company, to remove the CEO along with the two directors,
witnesses said.
M. Mohamed Mohideen, a minority shareholder of
the company, who was vociferous at the EGM last week, told The Sunday
Times FT that the EGM was called ‘essentially to remove the
two directors - Ms. Mano Alles and Dr. W. M. Tillakaratna (chairman)
– and Meegoda from the Vanik directorate.
“Before the meeting started, I requested
the Chairman (of the meeting) to vacate his seat, because the EGM
was held to remove him from his designation. I pointed out that
it was unethical for him to chair the meeting when it was about
removing him from chairmanship,” he said. He said that Meegoda
was exercising undue influence and bulldozing his way through the
procedures. “Another participant at the meeting raised a point
saying that the new directors who were to be appointed in place
of the current office bearers have not accepted their consent for
appointment in this regard,” Mohideen said, adding that Meegoda
had seized this opportunity to give a ruling saying that the EGM
did not hold ground. “At this point I asked why he did not
raise this issue, before we were called for the meeting”,
he said adding that easily there were over 300 shareholders present
at the EGM and it was unfair to waste their time, because of such
a technical issue.
The Vanik CEO was unavailable for clarification
on the fracas at the EGM. A company official said that two requisitions
(a kind of resolution) were deposited on June 15 requiring the directors
of the company to call up an EGM. “The first requisition dealt
with the removal of the directors and the other was to appoint new
directors,” he said. He said that under section 185 of the
Companies’ Act the removal of a director before his or her
expiration period of office requires special notice to be given
to the company of the ‘intention to propose such a resolution
at a genera; meeting’.
“This was not done prior to the EGM and
it became a legal issue,” the official who declined to be
named. When asked why the shareholders were not informed about this
technical issue, he said the shareholders who moved the resolution
should have been more conversant with the legal procedure.
“Also the second requisition which sought
the appointment of new directors identified them by their initials
and the surname only and there was no other information about them,”
he said. He said that C. Wijemanne, M.A.L.A. Fernando and T.B. Wewegama
were the names proposed for the new directors.
In June Carekleen and Premier called for a special
shareholders meeting to discuss the removal of the three directors
alleging mismanagement. Vanik has been struggling through a crisis
for the past several years and gone through a restructuring phase