Hectic training schedule for Phoenix Ogilvy staff
Phoenix Ogilvy staffers recently completed a hectic
three weeks of training - a regional training session at Kandalama
and three other programmes at the Jaic Hilton, Hotel Riverina and
the Phoenix auditorium the cmpany said in a statement.
Picture shows Madhukar Sabnavis emphasizing
a point at the Butterfly training session at Hotel Riverina,
and Phoenix Ogilvy participants at the Planning Workshop. |
Adopt –a-country training programme
Ogilvy’s Adopt-a-Country programme, the brain child of Miles
Young, Chairman O&M Asia Pacific, was held at Kandalama. The
AAC program is a unique and interesting training program one which
pairs 30 high-potential young Ogilvy managers across Asia with a
buddy of another office for two years. As a part of the training
program they visit each other’s offices, work on projects
and meet off-site three times per year.
The faculty for this workshop apart from Miles
Young included, Kent Wertime, President Ogilvyone Asia Pacific,
Ian Strachan, Training consultant & and ex- Ogilvy Regional
Training head. Irvin Weerackody Chairman Phoenix Ogilvy made a presentation
on Sri Lanka’s trends in politics, economy and the war. The
main thrust of Weerackody’s presentation was adversity should
not be a dampening factor for forging ahead. He reminded the young
audience of the Shakespearean wisdom in As You Like It: “Sweet
are the uses of adversity”.
Commenting on the AAC training programme, Young
said: “Since we’re in the communications business where
we’re expected to run some pan-asian campaigns, we’ve
got to somehow create bonds between our managers. We’re beginning
to see the fruits of it already.”
Hard on the heels of AAC Training Phoenix Ogilvy took its entire
creative staff to Hotel Riveriena to unveil the ‘butterfly’.
Butterfly or 360 Brand stewardship process as
it is otherwise known is a proprietary Ogilvy tool. It is Ogilvy’s
competitive advantage and that’s what makes them unique.
In order to make the Phoenix Ogilvy team live
and breathe the tool, the agency staff spent two days understanding
and learning to apply the tool. The faculty for this workshop was
Madhukar Sabnavis. Madhukar is the head of Account Planning in Ogilvy
& Mather India and also heads ‘Thought leadership’
for the whole of Asia Pacific. Butterfly is Ogilvy’s new worldwide
operating system, explained Mahesh Neelakantan – Head of Advertising,
Phoenix Ogilvy.
‘All the offices around Asia are in different
stages of the Buttterfly-cascade and we have successfully cascaded
the “Butterfly in Colombo,” he said. What’s interesting
about the butterfly is its simplicity and reducing the whole process
of discovery and strategy-making to something very clear & comprehensible.”
Busting blocks
At the JAIC Hilton, Ian Strachan presented a program titled “Busting
Blocks”. This programme was essentially to guide people on
how to get past hurdles and blocks and taught them techniques that
were extremely relevant and useful in their day-to-day life.
Strachan has been associated in the field of training
for over two decades and was till recently the head of Training
& development for Ogilvy Asia Pacific. Ian continues to be associated
with Training for Ogilvy conducting programmes for Ogilvy across
all offices in Asia. Finally the shorter version of Butterfly was
conducted by Strachan for the company’s junior staffers at
the Phoenix Auditorium.