Zahira primary rises out of the rubble
The Zahira primary school in Hambantota district
was reconstructed by UNICEF under its Schools Infrastructure Reconstruction
Programme of rebuilding 35 schools destroyed by the 2004 tsunami.
It was handed over to the school authorities on
Wednesday. Zahira School (primary and secondary) was one of the
worst affected of the seven schools destroyed by the tsunami in
the Hambantota district. 98 students, five teachers and the principal
fell victims to that tragedy and the entire primary school section
was destroyed.
Now the 500 students of the primary school have
12 new spacious classrooms, more play area, new sanitation facilities,
staff quarters and a parapet wall around the school. Facilities
have been designed to create a child friendly learning environment
where interactive teaching and child participation help children
fully develop their potential. This is the second project, completed
under the UNICEF Schools Infrastructure Reconstruction Programme.
Earlier this month, the new buildings of Siddartha primary school
in Galle district were handed over.
According to UNICEF’s Representative in
Sri Lanka, Jo Anna VanGerpen, the provision of a stable and secure
environment for learning is of paramount importance so that children
are able to move beyond the sad experience.
Reconstruction of Zahira primary school was financially
supported by the people of Britain, the Hunter Foundation and footballer
David Beckham through the UK National Committee for UNICEF, one
of 37 committees from around the world that raise funds to support
UNICEF’s work for children globally. The Committee donated
more than US $ 1 million for the reconstruction.