Stop and
think, oh! Americans with a conscience
Ameen Izzadeen
So it seems the Non-Aligned Movement
is finally has got some leaders with backbone to steer
it on a course independent of big-power interference.
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe and Sudan's Omar Hassan Ahmed
Bashir took the bull, sorry bully, by its horns and
spoke the language that the man whom they refer to as
the devil, the owner of the world, interventionist and
regime changer would understand. Like David, they aimed
their catapults at whom they saw as a globe-gobbling
Indeed, it was more like a 'state
of the world' address by a few Third World leaders who
had the courage of their conviction to shake the American
conscience. Although pro-war lobbies, alleged human
rights violators, alleged torturers and Zionist element
in the greatest country in the world may dismiss what
these leaders said in their address to the United Nations
General Assembly as diplomatic showmanship, the speeches
should nevertheless serve to shake the American conscience,
if there is still something called the American conscience
under the Bush administration.
Their speeches, especially that of
Chavez, have provoked some Bush-faithfuls in America
to ask how dare Chavez, Ahmadinejad and the likes could
come to "our country and slam our president".
These Bush-faithfuls who ask this question are people
with a conscience because it is quite natural for people
with a conscience to get hurt when outsiders interfere
in the affairs of their country and tell their President
how to behave. Oh the American with a conscience, hearken
to this, when your president takes unilateral decisions
to invade sovereign nations and interfere in the affairs
of other countries, the people of those countries, too,
feel like how you feel now.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice walks with US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton
as they leave a meeting with UN Secretary General
Kofi Annan at UN headquarters on Thursday. AP |
And indeed the people in Afghanistan,
Iraq, Venezuela, Iran, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Grenada,
Panama and several other countries have felt like that
and some are still feeling like that. Saddam Hussein
could be a tyrant but it should be left to the Iraqi
people to decide on how to deal with him. People's revolutions
in Iran, the Philippines and Eastern Europe have ousted
despots and dictators. It could have happened in Iraq.
As Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe said at the United
Nations General Assembly this week that a regime change
in his country was a matter for the Zimbabweans to decide
and not for Washington or London.
There may also be Americans who do
not approve of Bush's interventionist foreign policy.
Going by the 2004 election results, some 50 million
Americans rejected Bush and his policies. Those Americans
may or may not have been irked by the speeches of Chavez,
Ahmadinejad and others. But how many of them will do
some soul-searching, direct the searchlight inwards
and ask why a majority of the people in the rest of
the world are not happy with their president's policies
and why anger at the US is uniting the people of the
developing world in a manner not seen since the end
of the Cold War. The solidarity that is being built
up among the handful of anti-US non-aligned countries
is reminiscent of the unity with which the newly independent
states forged ahead with their opposition to colonialism
in the 1950s and 60s and built up a powerful force that
challenged both the United States and the Soviet Union.
If the Americans with a conscience
venture to ask such questions, they may realise that
there is a global divide on the lines of the oppressed
versus the oppressor.
As Noam Chomsky agrees in his book
Hegemony or Survival - the book Chavez urged the Americans
and the world leaders who attended the UN conference
to read - "there may still be two superpowers on
the planet: the United States and the world public opinion
("the United States here meaning state power…).
It is not hatred towards the United
States' state power that is uniting the people of the
rest of the world, especially the people of the developing
world or the political south, but the manner in which
the Bush administration uses its unbridled military
power to bring countries to their knees. If the Americans
want proof they can trace the timeline and study the
history of their country's involvement in other countries.
If they feel it will be time consuming, they can ponder
on what Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has told
a CBS interview to be telecast on Sunday.
On Thursday, newspaper reports from
the United States quoted Musharraf as telling CBS's
'60 Minutes' programme that after the 9/11 attacks Richard
Armitage, the then deputy secretary of state, had told
Pakistan's intelligence director that the United States
would bomb his country to the Stone Age if it did not
help fight terrorists. No wonder, an astute Musharraf,
abandoned the Taliban which his country trained, armed
and used and joined Bush's bandwagon to hunt down his
own boys.
At a joint news conference on Friday,
when a reporter asked both Musharraf and Bush to clarify
the matter, the US President prevented Musharraf from
answering first. When Bush finished his response which
simply said, "The first I heard of this is when
I read it in the newspaper. I guess I was taken aback
by the harshness of the words," Musharraf hid behind
an agreement which he had signed with the publishers
of his biography and declined to comment.
Let Americans with a conscience also
refer to a recent Pew Charitable Trust poll which showed
a wide resentment of the US foreign policy, especially
the "war against terrorism".
It is no surprise when the people
of the Muslim countries responded negatively to the
question whether they approved of US-led efforts to
fight terrorism (82 percent in Egypt, 74 percent in
Jordan, 77 percent in Turkey and 50 percent in Pakistan).
But when people in some European countries overwhelmingly
said they rejected the US policy, it is a matter for
the Americans with a conscience to stop and think. The
poll showed that in Spain, 76% of those surveyed said
they did not approve; in France, it was 57%.