Invest in
youth, suggests World Development Report
SINGAPORE —Developing countries
which invest in better education, healthcare, and job
training for their record numbers of young people between
the ages of 12 and 24 years of age, could produce surging
economic growth and sharply reduce poverty, according
to a new World Bank report launched at the Bank’s
Annual Meetings in Singapore last week.
With 1.3 billion young people now
living in the developing world—the largest-ever
youth group in history—the report says there has
never been a better time to invest in youth because
they are healthier and better educated than previous
generations, and they will join the workforce with fewer
dependents because of changing demographics. However,
failure to seize this opportunity to train them more
effectively for the workplace, and to be active citizens,
could lead to widespread disillusionment and social
The report says that young people
make up nearly half of the ranks of the world’s
unemployed, and, for example, that the Middle East and
North Africa region alone must create 100 million jobs
by 2020 in order to stabilize its employment situation.
Moreover, surveys of young people in East Asia and Eastern
Europe and Central Asia—carried out as research
for the report—indicate that access to jobs, along
with physical security, is their biggest concern.
Far too many young people—some
130 million 15-24 year olds—cannot read or write.
Secondary education and skill acquisition make sense
only if primary schooling has been successful.
The World Development Report identifies
three strategic policies that may enhance investment
in young people: (1) Expanding opportunities, (2) improving
capabilities, and (3) offering second chances for young
people who have fallen behind due to difficult circumstances
or poor choices. These address five fundamental transitions
facing young people and affecting their whole economic,
social and family life, namely getting an education,
finding work, staying healthy, forming families, and
exercising citizenship.
*Opportunities—With broadened
opportunities for better education and healthcare, young
people can acquire the life skills to navigate adolescence
and young adulthood safely, while improved vocational
training will help them compete in the workforce.
Youth political participation and
involvement in social organizations is also essential
for fostering young people’s civic life in their
own communities and also vital for good governance.
Without opportunities for productive
civic engagement, young people’s frustrations
may boil over into economic and social tensions, creating
long-simmering disputes. For example, the ongoing ethnic
conflict in Sri Lanka between Sinhalese and Tamils was
initially caused by the frustration of Tamil students
shut out of university places and denied other avenues
for civic involvement.
*Capabilities— Providing information
to young people and developing their decision-making
skills, especially to stay healthy and appreciate continued
learning, is important. Armed with the right information
and incentives, these young people can make good decisions.
Analysis of India’s Better Life
Options program, which provides information on reproductive
and health services and vocational training to young
females aged 12-20 in urban slums and rural areas, shows
that youth in the program were significantly more involved
in key life decisions than those who were not.
*Second chances—Countries need
targeted programs for young people who have fallen behind
due to difficult circumstances or poor choices. These
can be dropping out of school, drug addiction, criminal
behavior, or prolonged unemployment. Second chances
help young people rebuild their future, which has a
long-term beneficial effect on society as a whole. Rehabilitation
is costly, but the payoffs are highest for young people
who still have a lifetime of potential productivity
ahead of them. |