The unsung
STF heroes of Pottuvil
By Lt Col A.S.Amarasekera
There are members of the security
forces and the police who dare to venture beyond the
call of duty in the performance of national and humanitarian
services. While they too are heroes of our nation, who
should be recognized and rewarded, they are either killed
while performing such services or are victimized for
performing such services that may be argued to be beyond
the scope of their responsibility. These are the unsung
heroes whose actions often go unnoticed. In paying tribute
to all such heroes, let me focus attention on three
of their kind, to illustrate their plight.
The tsunami of December 26, 2004 brought
unprecedented death and destruction to our country.
The Pottuvil Divisional Secretariat Area was badly affected,
with Arugam Bay that is considered to be one of the
best tourist resorts in the island being completely
cut off. The tourists who survived the ordeal had to
be immediately evacuated and the villagers who survived
amidst all the death and destruction had to be provided
with food and shelter sans any delay. I visited this
area on or about December 31, 2004 and the survivors,
Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims were full of praise for
the humanitarian services performed by the Police Special
Task Force, which was beyond the call of duty. The stranded
foreign and local tourists were evacuated as soon as
possible and relief was organized for the local population
with the resources available, with much responsibility
and dedication, by Chief Inspector S.N.Gunaratne, the
Officer Commanding the Srastrawela STF camp.
During my visit I saw the arrangements
this Chief Inspector had initiated to provide food and
shelter to the affected population, who were predominantly
Muslim. Among the STF personnel working under this Chief
Inspector was Sergeant Vitharana. He was the driver
of the amphibious vehicle that brought the much needed
relief items across the lagoon to feed and clothe the
people in affected villages. There was also Police Constable
Nalaka Siriminda Moremada attached to a volunteer team
led by Javana Fernando that was distributing relief
items to affected villages. They were operating in the
area with two four wheel drive Toyota pickup vehicles.
The then Chairman of the Lahugala
Pradeshiya Sabha complained to me that Chief Inspector
S.N. Gunaratne was distributing relief items to the
Muslims and that the Sinhalese in Panama had only received
a pittance. When I questioned the Chief Inspector in
this regard his reply was that the village of Panama
was not as badly affected as Arugambay, Ulla, Kudakalli
and Pasarachcheni to warrant any special treatment.
Let us now consider what happened
to Sergeant Vitharana and Police Constable Nalaka Siriminda
Moremada subsequently.
Sergeant Vitharana had served in the
STF for nearly seventeen years and was to retire soon.
However his passion to undertake humanitarian services
beyond the call of duty made him volunteer to provide
drinking water to Pada Yatra pilgrims at the Okanda
Devale. He had delivered sixteen bowser loads of drinking
water from July 24, 2006 to August 7, 2006, which amounted
to 48000 liters to the pilgrims, who were predominantly
Tamils. To him as well as to all other STF personnel
race and religion were of no relevance for they had
been trained to treat all human beings with much love
and compassion.
He left for the Okanda Devale with
another such bowser load of drinking water on August
8 together with Police Constable Nalaka Siriminda Moremada.
Around 11.20 a.m. when they were passing Panakala Kalapuwa,
LTTE terrorists activated a claymore mine that was fixed
on to a tree. The explosion killed both Sergeant Vitharana
and Constable Moremada who were in the front compartment
of the bowser. The LTTE terrorists removed all the weapons
and other military items that were in their possession.
Sergeant Vitharana's wife is now a widow with two children,
while Constable Moremada's newly married wife is also
a widow today. The international humanitarian organizations
that leave no stone unturned, to give maximum publicity
to the so-called atrocities by the security forces,
sans any evidence, observed a noticeable silence with
regard to the above incident, where an abundance of
evidence was available to identify the LTTE as the perpetrators
of this despicable act.
Chief Inspector S.N.Gunaratne, the
Officer Commanding the Sastrawela STF camp, who was
the saviour of the Muslims, in the Arugum Bay and adjacent
villages, soon after the tsunami, was relieved of his
command on or about September 20 and transferred out
of the area, heeding to a request made by the Muslims
whom he had helped so much. What was the cause for this?
Chief Inspector Gunaratne was a lover
of the environment. He is an officer who will not hesitate
to implement the law of the land to protect the environment.
There were some who were felling timber and encroaching
into forest and coastal reservations in his area of
responsibility. He found it difficult if not impossible
to tolerate this mass-scale destruction. About a month
before his transfer, he arrested some people who were
transporting timber in twenty two carts and handed over
to the local police. More people were arrested in a
second raid on September 16.
The Chief Inspector's action provided
the LTTE with a golden opportunity to incite some Muslims
against the STF. On September 17, the LTTE hacked to
death ten Muslims workers who were repairing the sluice
gate and irrigation canal of the Raddela tank. Before
the sole survivor could speak out the truth, a hartal
was surreptitiously instigated by timber racketeers.
Five STF personnel returning from leave to the Sastrawela
STF camp were attacked and injured by a Muslim mob on
the morning of of September 20 and the STF was compelled
to fire in self defence. As a result, 14 Muslims were
injured. Some attacked the village of Ulla and set fire
to a small hotel. About seventy five Sinhalese families
living in the village of Ulla subsequently fled to Panama
in boats, fearing further attacks. In an effort to calm
down the tension, the authorities decided to make Chief
Inspector S.N.Gunaratne the scapegoat.
However, the Defence Ministry website
published the following information on September 22.
"Potuvil Massacre, clearly an
LTTE act- Muslim community leaders in the East
"Several community organizations
in the Eastern province have expressed their conviction
over the LTTE's involvement in the massacre of eleven
innocent Muslim civilians in Pottuvil on 16th of September.
Secretary to the Minister of Defence Mr. Gotabhaya Rajapakse
has been informed in writing by many such community
organizations that the heinous crime was undoubtedly
perpetrated by the LTTE terrorists, denying the speculations
on Security forces involvement."
The Akkaraipattu fish vendor's society
while condemning the crime stated that this massacre
was aimed to ignite tension between the Muslim and the
Sinhalese in the Eastern area and to destabilize the
ground situation in favour for the LTTE. They said that
this was opted to weaken the development in the Eastern
The Akkaraipattuwa Grand Mosque priests
while condemning the massacre said "we vehemently
deny LTTE's accusation levelled against the SL security
forces as it is clear that no organization other than
the LTTE could commit such atrocities.
It is now revealed that the LTTE is
backed by a group of racketeers engaged in large scale
illegal timber business in the area to commit the crime.
The Special Task Force (STF) has taken stern action
to prevent this illegal business which had been continuing
for a longtime.
The letters sent by the Muslim community
in the Eastern area addressed to the Defence Secretary
Gotabaya Rajapaksa are also available on the MoD website.
Any community should not be allowed
to break the law of the land with impunity. In practically
all villages in and around the Pottuvil area and also
in Panama, I have noticed that electricity is tapped
from the national grid with impunity. Majority of the
consumers of electricity in these villages throw a hook
on to the power line at nightfall and obtain their electricity
free of charge. I have seen Chief Inspector Gunaratne
ordering the removal of such illegal connections on
many occasions.
To get a clear understanding of the
ground situation one needs to clearly understand the
historical background behind the village of Raddela
where this massacre of ten Muslims took place. Raddela
was a Sinhalese village established on or about 1818
soon after the Uva Wellassa rebellion. There were about
thirty Sinhalese families cultivating some 450 acres
of paddy land until 1990. They left the village due
to the deterioration of the security situation.
Muslims paid ransom money to the LTTE
to cultivate these lands. A few years later the Raddela
tank breached and the security situation also deteriorated
further, making it difficult if not impossible for even
the Muslims to cultivate this track of land.
After the ceasefire agreement the
security situation was conducive to resume cultivation
in this area and therefore the Raddela tank was restored.
The Muslims moved in once more to cultivate the paddy
lands. This resulted in a certain amount of animosity
among those who had lost their paddy lands and were
now living in Panama. With a further improvement in
the security situation, more Muslim families began to
move into this area and they began to encroach the forest
reservation and over 1500 acres of land in the reservation
were cleared by these new settlers. They also started
encroaching the coastal reservation in and around Kudakalli
and Sastrawela area.
In the December 26, 2004 the houses built on coastal
reservations were washed off. However the encroachment
of forest reserves is still continuing with impunity
and Chief Inspector S.N Gunaratne who was the only person
who had the guts to implement the law of the land to
prevent this colossal environmental destruction has
been transferred out of the area.
It is hoped that the present President
who is more positive in his approach to solve national
problems such as this, will take necessary action to
halt the large scale environmental destruction in the
Pottuvil area.