inner serenity
Along with her Enlightenment Seekers
Study Circle, Erika Dias looks to reach across boundaries
to discover a harmonious balance to life
By Ayesha Inoon
The soft tinkle of wind chimes greets
you as you step into her home. On one side, the windows
open out onto a little shrub jungle, kept that way to
welcome birds.
The breeze from the garden brings
with it a fragrance of exotic herbs. Beautiful and curious
furnishings and ornaments speak of a full life, of travels
and rich experiences.
There is an atmosphere of peace, of
quiet serenity. “Sometimes, people tell me this
house is like a temple,” says Erika Dias, author
of ‘Blossoms of Wisdom: On Peace and Environment’,
one of her many books on spiritual themes.
Like her surroundings, she radiates
calm, peace and stillness – a living example of
the doctrines she expresses in her writing.
Her group, the ‘Enlightenment
Seekers’ Study Circle’ meet at her home
regularly to discuss and share spiritual experiences
in daily life, their mission being ‘to liberate
the mind to infinite cosmic energy which is universal
eternal peace.’
Her latest book Blossoms of Wisdom. |
Although Erika was born a Buddhist
and has a strong foundation in Buddhism, her group does
not confine themselves to any religion in their search
for enlightenment. Believing that religion and ‘isms’
are what cause discrimination and violence in the world,
they seek to reach across these boundaries to find universal
love for all beings.
“You have to burst open the
fences to reach cosmic energy,” she says. Trying
to bring together the essence of all religions, the
group also discusses various religious philosophies
and their applications during meetings along with how
to bring these energies into their day to day lives.
“The group doesn’t have
a leader, its philosophy is based on shared spiritual
experiences,” she says. She has written a paper,
‘Meditation for All’ which embodies the
basic principles of their beliefs. In it, she explains
how, by removing anger, hatred, envy, greed and grasping,
the space which is outside us in stillness and silence,
can be entertained within us. “When all this is
removed there is only love, caring and concern –
then you are with only space words and space thoughts.
The bitterness and venom is gone.”
She has formulated two mantras, which
she says are powerful enough to bring instant relief
and joy if constantly repeated. The mantras are those
which came spontaneously to her as a result of the wisdom
brought by years of meditation. It was a way in which
she could help the group by giving them an effective
and easy system by which to meditate. “Rational
and logical is the hard ingrained, harsh left part of
our brain. It is dualistic,” she says. It is this,
the intellectual part of the brain that manipulates
words and thoughts. Our mission, according to her, should
be to reach that spiritual “oneness” of
the ‘heart-vibrations’. “That is,
to ceaselessly live with our ‘heart-chakra’,
the power station of our seven chakras. This oneness
energy is not dualistic – it is the merging energy
for harmony and balance of the mind and body. It will
give then, perfect, eternal peace 24 hours.”
Erika Dias |
She admits that tremendous effort
is needed to achieve this state of mind. However, by
manipulating every word, thought, and deed in a fully
awakened state, you can dissolve the habitual spontaneous
duality of samsara (earth planet) and merge the word,
thought and deed energies into ‘oneness’
For example, she says, one such technique
would be to sit in the lotus posture on the bed at the
end of the day and reflect on your experiences of the
day. How did you help your ‘self’ and at
the same instant ‘the other’? The universal
skill in us to care for self and the other is nurtured
in the same instant.
At some stage of practice with these
mantras, at an advanced stage, one reaches ‘Samadhi’
which is conquering the ‘stillness and silence’
within you which is abundantly found all around us in
When in Samadhi, Erika points out
that you can be calm, tranquil and serene in any situation.
For example, harsh and abusive words do not generate
similar thoughts within you. In their group they teach
several tried and tested techniques to be able to keep
this emotional distance.
By following these methods to purify
one’s energy, one will be able to have a light
and buoyant mind resulting in bliss throughout the day
– and when our energy is purified in this manner,
at death we will be able to connect instantly with pure
energy to join the divine energy, she believes.
Erika’s personal quest for peace
within herself began during her stay in Bangkok, where
she spent 18 years with her family. Working as a consultant
at UN ESCAP, Bangkok, the quietness of life there, away
from the influence of family and friends, led her to
ponder on the spiritual meaning of life, and poetry
‘began to flow to her’. When she met Dr.
Thin Thin, a WHO doctor with similar goals, they established
an international group similar to ‘The Enlightenment
At first, she was reluctant to return
to Sri Lanka, when her husband told her it was time
to return and serve their motherland – reluctant
to leave behind the peace of that country and the spiritual
relationships she had formed. However, having decided
to come back in 1996 she was then impatient to establish
a group here as well, to share her spiritual experiences
with those who were on a similar pursuit. Today the
group has over 50 members.
Erika has written eighteen books,
six of which are poetry, that sell in many countries.
She has received awards for her poetry in Thailand,
Australia and the United States. In 1991 she received
an honorary doctorate for two books of her poetry from
the World Academy of Arts and Culture in California.
In March, 2004, she was awarded the ‘Outstanding
Woman in Buddhism’ award from UN ESCAP in Bangkok
on International Women’s Day.
These impressive achievements have
done nothing to detract from the simple, unassuming
nature of a woman who seeks only to exist in the peaceful
contentment she has discovered and to share its secret
with others.
‘when the mind is emptied of
hatred, envy, greed
there is nothing but space within
and ‘silence and stillness’ outside………’
“Every line in my poetry is from experience,”
says Erika, “There are no concepts in what I write,
only experience.”
As a mother and grandmother, she has
also been able to use her experience of mother-love
in her quest. “Supreme mother-love can bring you
direct enlightenment,” she says, since it the
first ‘true love’ of a woman’s life,
that unselfish giving which expects nothing in return.
If you can expand that to universal mother-love, she
says, you can embrace each child just as your own.