David and
Park take the titles
* Junior International Ranking tournament
By Shamseer Jaleel
David Susanto of Indonesia and Korean
Hui-Kyung Park won the Boys and Girls Singles respectively
in the International Tennis Federation (ITF) World Ranking
Under 18 Tournament first round which concluded at the
Sri Lanka Tennis Association (SLTA) courts in Greenpath
Hui - Kyung Park (Korea) in action in the Girl’s
Singles final which she won 6-3, 6-2 |
The second round of the tournament
will be played from tomorrow over a period of seven
days. Both tournaments are vital as the points earned
in these tournaments will carry points for the World
rankings. Eighteen countries are vying for honours in
this tournament.
The 16 year-old David Susanto had
the first setter easily in just over 30 minutes. But
the second setter was a tough one where the Korean opponent
Seul-Ki Um dragged it for more than 90 minutes.
Meanwhile in the Girls encounter the
Korean Hui-Kyung Park was too much for the Indian Archana
Veeramachaneni where both sets were well and over within
80 minutes of duration.
In the Boys Doubles final Austrian
pair (Philipp Kiss and Walter Kubicka) overpowered Vishvesh
Bhatia and Debendra Das of India 6-4, 6-1. In the Girls
Doubles final Ju-Eun Kim and Ye -Ji Mun beat their own
country players Jin-Seon Kwak and Hui-Kyung Park 7-6,
6-1. Lankan hopes were shattered when Dinusha Wijesuriya
was beaten in the second round by Gugan Verma 6-2, 6-4.
The local player Jithmie Jayawickerma performed better
when reached the quarter final stages of the tournament.
She gave a good account of herself going down in a three
setter to Indian Aadnya Naik 6-2, 2-6, 6-4.
Boys Singles 2nd Round
UM Seul – Ki (KOR) Bt Guptha Dhurv (IND) 6/4,
Kubicka Walter (AUT) Bt Athare Mansing (IND) 6/2, 6/3
Dinusha Wijesuriya (SRI) Bt Kishimoto Shotaro (JPN )
6/2, 6/4
Verma Gugan (IND) Bt Rajpal Rishi 7/6(1), 6/1
Puthong Krittanu (THA) Bt Woo Je- Ryang 6/4, 6/3
Dhruv Gurwara (IND) Bt Shiva Sangwan 7/6(5), 6/4
Ho – Min Kang (KOR) Gayanga Weerasekera (SRI)
6/1, 6/0
Debandra Das (IND) Bt Siddharth kaushik (IND) 7/6(6),
Nihal Kapoor (IND) Bt Thangarajah Dineshkanthan (SRI)
6/1, 6/2
Phillip Kiss (AUT) Bt Divakar Krishik (IND) 6/2, 6/0
Huang Liang – Chi (TPE) Bt Poulsen Johan (DEN)
6/0, 6/0
Vishesh Bhatia (IND) Bt Lee Won- Hak (KOR) 6/1, 6/1
Lee Si Young (KOR) Bt Nambiar Suhanth (IND) 6/2, 7/5
Parul Verma (IND) Bt Kolenberg Mark (BEL) 6/1 ,6/3
Sudharshan Varadharajan (IND) Michael Siyaguna (SRI)
6/2, 6/4
Susanto David Agung (INA) Bt Cheung Ryan (USA) 6/3 ,6/1
David Susanto (Indonesia) winner
of the Boy’s Singles final in action - Pix
by Berty Mendis |
Boys Singles Quarter final
Um Seul-Ki beat Kubika Walter 6/3, 0/6, 6/3
Gugan Verma beat Dinusha Wijesuriya 6/7, 7/6, 6/4
Putjong Krittanu beat Woo Je-Ryang 6/2, 6/2
Kang Ho-Min beat Das Debandra 6/1, 6/2
Kiss Philipp beat Kapoor Nihal 6/3, 6/1
Huang Liang-Chi beat Vishesh Bhatia 6/3, 3-6, 6/4
Lee Si-Young beat Verma Parul 7/5, 6/4
Susanto David beat Sudharshan Varadharajan 6/1, 6/4
Boys Singles Semi final
Um Seul-Ki beat Verma Gugan 6/1, 6/2
Kang Ho-Min beat Puthong Krittanu 6/0, 6/2
Kiss Philipp beat Huanfg Liang-Chi 6/3, 6/4
Susanto David beat Lee Si-Young 6/0, 6/2
Boys Singles Final
Susanto David beat Um Seul-Ki 6/2, 7-5,
Girls Singles Quarter final
Ye- Ji Mun (KOR) Bt Chintala Mohana (India) 6/1, 6/2
Hui-Kyung Park (KOR) Bt Krishnan Nadita (IND) 6/3, 6/2
Archana Veeramachanei (IND) Bt Ju – Eun Kim (KOR)
6/3, 6/1
Jithmie Jayawickrema ( SRI) Bt Seong – Ah Kim
(KOR) 7/5,6/3
Aadnya Naik (IND) Bt Treta Bhattachayya (IND) 6/1, 6/3
Girls Singles Semi finals
Hui-kyung Park beat Ye-Ji Mun 1/6, 6/3, 7/6
Archana Veeramachaneni beat Aadnya Naik 6/3, 7/5
Girls Singles Final
Park Hui-Kyung beat Veeramachaneni 6/3, 6/2
Girls Doubles Semi finals
Jin-Seon Kwak and Hui-Kyung Park (Korea) beat Jithmies
Jayawickrema (SL) and Veeramachaneni Archana (India)
6-1, 6-4
Ju-Eun Kim and Ye-Ji Mun (Korea) beat Agra Jessica Marie
(Phil) and Sukhumavat Nichanya (Thai) 6/2, 6/1
Girls Doubles Final
Ju-Eun Kim and Ye-Ji Mun beat Jin-Seon Kwak and hui-kyung
Park 7/6, 6/3
Boys Doubles Semi finals
Philipp Kiss and Walter Kubicka (Aut) beat Athare Mansingh
and Sameer Paranjape 7/5, 6/4
Nihal Kapoor and Shiva Sangwan (India) beat Dhruv Gurwara
(Ind) and Rishi Rajpal (Can) 6/4, 6/1
Boys Doubles Final
Philipp Kiss and Walter Kubicka beat Nihal Kapoor and
Shiva Sangwan 6/4, 6/1. |