Hemas wins
award for SAP Excellence
Hemas Holdings was among the top 24
winners of the SAP ACE 2006 (Awards for Customer Excellence),
the first edition of SAP India’s annual awards
in recognition of customer excellence.
Picture shows from left - Alan
Sedghi, President & CEO, SAP Indian Sub-Continent,
Kasturi Wilson, Director Shared Services of Hemas
who received the award on behalf of Hemas Holdings,
Hans Peter Kleay, President & CEO of SAP Asia
Pacific, and Leo Apotheker, President Customer Solutions
of SAP AG. |
Hemas said in a statement it was adjudged
winner in the ‘Best Templated Implementation’
category and is the only Sri Lankan company to emerge
victorious at SAP ACE 2006. It joins the ranks of Indian
Oil Corporation Ltd, Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd, Tata
Steel, Bharat Petroleum Ltd, Titan Industries Ltd etc
among others.
“This is a great achievement
and I salute the team for all its efforts. SAP implementation
at Hemas was not an IT project but an important business
project, which would go far in providing the group with
a competitive edge,” said Husein Esufally, CEO
Hemas Holdings Ltd. Instituted on the occasion of SAP
completing a decade of operations in India, SAP ACE
2006 received 156 nominations from 85 organisations
from India and Sri Lanka for awards in 16 categories.
Demonstrating the growing maturity of IT adoption amongst
corporate enterprises, SAP ACE 2006 nominations further
underlined how information technology is being effectively
used by enterprises in : a) Effective business transformation,
b) Taking advantage of growth and globalisation, c)
Innovatively re-architecting their business models,
d) Obtaining deep and actionable insights into their
business and their ecosystem, e) Delivering strong return
on investment and return on information to their stakeholders,
while achieving better operational efficiencies. |