Those schoolgirl
Girls’ High School-Kandy Reminiscences
(1879-2004). O.G.A. Souvenir. Reviewed by Anne Abayasekara
Open the pages of this engrossing
Souvenir published by the Old Girls' Association of
a famous school in the hills, "Kandy High",
and you are plunged into a golden age of girlhood to
which schoolgirls who had the privilege of growing up
in that kind of institution anywhere in the island,
will relate to. As I read on, I could identify with
so much that was contained in these `Reminscences',
that I was instantly transported back to my own schooldays
in Colombo and filled with the same kind of nostalgia
for times past.
Editor Muzeen Sally, in her Foreword,
writes: "Although the institution was founded by
Methodist missionaries," (and run as a Church school
for 80 years), "Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and
Muslims have worked and played together in the school,
and it is significant that the proceeds of this magazine
will be donated to the victims of the tsunami, regardless
of religion, caste and creed." Over and over again,
this theme of the multi-religious and multi-ethnic composition
of the school population, with unity in diversity and
a happy harmony prevailing, recurs in the articles.
Nalini Senanayake (nee Wijenaike, 1933
- 1946), gives these reminiscences a refreshing start
as she recalls her entry into school life at the age
of five and subsequent escapades, despite which she
ended up as Head Girl. The Art Teacher at Kandy High
School (KHS), fostered her artistic talent and I learnt
that Nalini was, later, the first woman painter to exhibit
with the celebrated "'43 Goup" of artists.
So it should be no surprise that Nalini gave birth to
the infant - and adult - prodigy, Senaka Senanayake.
Disenchantment is the word that comes
to mind as I turn the page and read Jean Arasanayagam's
long poem, "In a Colonial Classroom". Remembering
the enthusiasm with which my kindergarten contemporaries
and I, in Colombo, “blew bubbles in the air to
catch the sun", and "sang their songs, their
rhyme I mouthed, Their verse I mimicked, around the
Maypole danced," etc., etc., I wonder whether Jean's
mature perception of our colonial past came later, in
adulthood, or whether she was really aware then, as
a child, of our ready embrace of things foreign and
our loss in failing to appreciate what was indigenous
and our own. If the latter, she must have been a child
There is also a long prose contribution
from Jean, "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes", a short
story that has appeared in her book, "All Is Burning",
published by Penguin in 1995. Jean Arasanayagam, acclaimed
poet and writer, is a distinguished product of KHS,
but one who views her schooldays with a sardonic gleam
in her eye. She strikes a discordant note in what is
essentially a collection of articles that looks at past
principals, teachers and the old curriculum of that
day, through fond lenses. However, perhaps a "different"
view, too, must have its place if the whole picture
is to be drawn. The story, using real names and written
in her usual compelling language and style, gives Jean's
own unique vision, one which may not conform to the
majority view of the past as glimpsed in this little
The essence of that time is charmingly
captured in verses with an easy flow that come with
the title, "Those school girl days" by J.L.
1959 - 1964. All the bubbly schoolgirl larks, the oddities
of teachers, the excitement of the sports meet, regular
forays to the veralu tree (a tree which figures prominently
in many an article), carol practice with the girls'
own innovative version, "While shepherds washed
their socks by night, all seated round a tub, a cake
of Sunlight soap came down and they began to scrub".
Then carnival time with "Boys
galore, the Lions roar, romance is in the air".
The poem mirrors the recollections in many a prose contribution.
The titles given to most of the articles
reflect the positive emotions that thoughts of the alma
mater still evoke in many a middle-aged breast. Nanda
Pethiyagoda Wanasundera (today's popular columnist `Nan'
of the Sunday Island), writes of "My long, long
connection with Girls' High School, Kandy," and
gives the felicitous and memorable sentence, "Laughter
still rings in the happy remembering heart." Zem
(de Silva, nee Sally), writing from England, under the
title, "The Dim Golden Distance", gives a
vivid account of her propensity for getting into scrapes.
The heading for Chitra Seneviratne
Dissanayake's informative article is, "As It Were
Yesterday" and it contains some notable titbits
such as that KHS produced the first Kandyan woman graduate
- Mrs. Soma Samarasinghe (nee Seneviratne), who was
also the first woman to win the `Tripos' at Cambridge
University and, later, the first Sri Lankan Principal
of Hillwood College, Kandy. We learn also that KHS lays
claim to Sir Oliver Goonetilleke as an `Old Boy'; that
KHS produced the first Sri Lankan woman to get a Super-grade
Principal's post, the first Sinhala Buddhist to become
Principal of KHS (Mrs. T.K. Ekanayake); and the first
woman to be appointed Deputy Director- General of the
Ministry of Education - Mrs. Hema Jayasinghe who, prior
to that, was Principal of Visakha Vidyalaya. I also
gleaned from this article the information that KHS had
a well-known Sinhalese Singing Master, none other than
Saranagupta Amarasinghe, and that it was also "the
first school in the country to introduce Kandyan dancing
to the curriculum," classes being conducted by
the illustrious Sri Jayana.
Several of the writers provide intriguing
pen-pictures of past principals, notably Miss Grace
Paul and Mrs. T.K. Ekanayake, and of members of staff,
wickedly funny sometimes, but always remembered with
affection. Indranee Kannangara Kandiah, in "Those
Halcyon Days", gives us a glimpse of the unconventional
behaviour of a respected teacher, Mrs. Weerasiri, whom
she describes as a "fervent Buddhist and a highly-valued
member of our staff ". Attendance at morning Assembly
was compulsory for all, teachers and pupils, of whatever
religion, "She quite explicitly showed that she
was not in the least interested in these Christian goings-on,
by opening a broadsheet Sinhala newspaper and reading
it while prominently seated on the stage! Frankly, I
admired her independent spirit and courage. Yet I like
to feel that it is the very context of my school that
allowed the expression of other opinions without unnecessarily
making these into acrimonious issues."
And Mrs.Kandiah goes on to say that
"Mrs. Weerasiri identified significantly with the
school in all other aspects of its life." She makes
the point, too, that although KHS was a Methodist Mission
school, all races and religions were represented in
the composition of its pupils - "Sinhalese (with
further sub-division as up-country and low-country!),
Tamils from Jaffna, Batticaloa and of Indian origin,
Malays and Moors, Burghers with Portuguese and Dutch
antecedents, and Eurasians, Parsis, and so on, or as
Christians of numerous denominations, Buddhists, Hindus,
Zoriastians, Muslims. In those days, these differences
did not a sense, we exemplified what a great
nation could be, if only...."
In a short, pithy piece, simply titled,
"Unforgettable", Sithy Quadira Anees turns
the spotlight on the veralu tree. She recalls that a
large branch of this tempting tree crashed to the ground
during a lunch interval at a time when the Muslim girls
were fasting. All the girls nearby ran out and "quickly
picked the olives and gobbled them. Then to our surprise
our Islam teacher appeared and asked us whether we were
fasting or feasting. It was only then that we realised
that we had broken the fast."
The temptation is great to linger
and quote something from almost every article in these
pages and only the fact that space doesn't permit such
indulgence, restrains me. I will, however, give an extract
from Carmen Wickramagamage's (nee Perera) eloquent article
entitled, "Why High School Remains `High' in my
Esteem", because it admirably reiterates and sums
up what others have said on the theme of the racial
and religious harmony they experienced in their school.
Carmen came unwillingly to KHS at
A/L stage, regarding her transfer there from the Kandy
Convent "as my punishment - a reform school or
penitentiary". But she survived and completely
changed her mind and her attitude to the institution
in which she ended her schooldays and from where she
went on to the Peradeniya University where, I believe,
she is presently a senior lecturer in English.
This is what she writes: Although
Christian in origin, the KGHS of my day with its strong
Tamil medium and an English medium that had a high percentage
of Muslims, encouraged students to experience and therefore
respect a multi-cultural environment. Ms. Tikiri Kumari
Ekanayake, a Kandyan Sinhala Buddhist, transcended all
ethnic, religious and regional considerations and dedicated
herself to the maintenance of strict discipline and
academic excellence at school. Ms. Muzeen Sally, a Muslim,
but equally caring of us all, was a highly respected
teacher. Ms. Estelle Salgado, a devout Christian, was
teacher above everything else at school. Ms. Jesudason,
the Head of the Tamil section, is well-etched in my
memory as an efficient administrator..............We
cheered our gifted contemporaries, admired and envied
each other's abilities. That they were Tamils, Moors,
Burghers and Sinhalese, or Christians, Buddhists, Hindus
and Muslims, did not matter. We were, of course, aware
of our cultural differences, but we respected that diversity,
learnt from each other's differences and, finally transcended
those differences to become bosom buddies.....Kandy
Girls' High School remains high in my esteem because
it has so far resisted the pressure to augment those
divisions that threaten to destroy the multi-cultural
fabric of this country and instead serves as a model
for what Sri Lanka ought to become if it is to survive
at all as a country."
It's no wonder that in August this
year, Old Girls banded together in large numbers in
an unofficial way, to felicitate former Principal, Mrs.
T.K. Ekanayake, and forty-five of their old teachers.
May the spirit of KHS, so vividly brought to life in
these pages, go from strength to strength in the next
125 years.