Stage set
for journey ahead
Yet there have been irritants that
dampen the effort. There should be in place a system
to ensure participants are aware of the rules and they
play accordingly. Similarly there has to be a plan for
the season that will not clash with the national tournaments.
If we can avoid the spread of spectators between a club
match and school match it may do better for the game.
By Vimal Perera
In December 2005 the SLRFU organized
a rugby congress which saw lots of ideas being put forward
in influencing the way ahead for rugby in. Arising from
discussion the objectives identified was to be: within
the first five in Asia by the year 2006 and to be among
first four by the year 2008. Be along with the first
two by the year 2010. Become Champions of Asia by the
year 2015.
Pic by Gemunu Wellage |
The stage was set and the goals clearly
identified. It requires for all involved in the game
to put their shoulder to the wheel to steer the ship
to the waters it want to be in. Time has now come to
sit again and to ponder and discuss where we are at
present and what we have to do to be where we want to
be. December will be a good time to sit and reflect.
It will be one year after the congress and followed
by the Asiad. It is time to review the performance and
be ready with action plans when it is time for the new
hierarchy to take office.
How have we done in the schools section
and what more need to be done to help the cradle of
rugby deliver the talent needed to achieve the status
of being Asian Champions by 2015? We have had a season
of which we can be proud of. Yet there have been irritants
that dampen the effort. There should be in place a system
to ensure participants are aware of the rules and they
play accordingly. Similarly there has to be a plan for
the season that will not clash with the national tournaments.
If we can avoid the spread of spectators between a club
match and school match it may do better for the game.
It is also important to ensure the
best participation at all tournaments. Often we see
some schools not on the field at the sevens as much
as we see them not taking part in the Presidents and
Premier trophy. If one cannot assure participation and
or that the season seems to be too long what has to
be done is to discuss and see as how better we can organize
the games. If we are to achieve what we plan to, then
we have to map to be at the top level in Asia at the
junior level too.
At the top level the closest on hand
is the Asiad of 2006. The goal is to be within the first
five. Are we ready and planning to be there? The selectors
have done their job and the pool is in place. I begin
to wonder whether those who deliberated have set their
eyes on the target set. The inter-provincial tournament
turned to be a lame affair with one match being played
for less than twenty minutes a half. To take wing to
play in the Rugby 80 may have been more important than
the fulfillment of the national dream. What is the foundation
of the SLRFU constitution? The collection of provincial
bodies is what it is built on. Then why was it that
there was so little enthusiasm?
Rugby 80 is a tournament where there
is a weight limitation and should have been more suitable
for the Asian teams to participate. Yet how many of
the Asian Countries were there.
The host country Thailand marked their
presence with two also ran teams as they too are in
the midst of the domestic season and has to think of
the Asiad where they are in the Plate section along
with Sri Lanka. It is the need to set our priorities
right that is lacking and the national interest not
being the first that is at fault. If we are at the top
level in Asia we will always be invited. If not we will
be there to make numbers when ambitious tournaments
are started. When such tournaments get under top gear
we will be behind them chanting “please let us
play, we helped you at the start”. We must be
able to keep our heads up with better performances at
the national level. Taking part in tournaments with
little planning and or preparation and being whipped
by over 70 points does not contribute to the image of
a Nation that is in the ascendancy in the Asian circuit.
All what every body does in this game
is no doubt well meant. The importance however is to
coordinate those efforts for the achievement of the
national cause.
As we get ready for the new custodians
to take over there has to discussion on the direction
and it must be in unison. There is going to be lot of
work for the new management, whoever that may be, to
uplift the game to the higher level in the next two
years. The stage has been set in the past two years,
now we wait for the main actors.