NFC's explanation
for barring films for SAARC Film Fest
By Susitha R. Fernando
The National Film Corporation last
week summoned a media conference to clarify its stand
with regard to the alleged objection made against the
selection of films made by veteran filmmaker Tissa Abeysekera
to be screened at the SAARC Festival of Culture on the
occasion of SAARC Charter Day in December 2006 in New
Asked for the reasons why the two
films ‘Sulang Kirilli’ and ‘Iramediyama’
were dropped, the NFC head responded saying that the
e-mail exchanged with regard to the said event was at
a personal level and not at the official level.
‘I will hand over the inquiry
to a Presidential Investigation Unit and request the
Ministry of Cultural Affairs to inquire into the matter,"
Asoka Serasinghe said.
The NFC Chairman said that Foundation
of SAARC Writers and Literature (FOSWAL) which organised
the event was a non governmental organisation and it
is only another organisation which conducts film festivals
with the participation of countries from the South Asian
region. (This is not relevant to the issue). In reply
to queries at the press conference held at the Corporation
last Tuesday, he stated that he is not responsible for
the correspondence between the NFC consultant Mr. Ananda
Ariyaratne and the Foreign Ministry official Satya Rodrigo.
"I didn't accept any e-mail regarding this matter
as it does not come under my purview. I regard this
correspondence as purely personal,".
Mr. Serasinghe said that there was
no doubt about Mr. Tissa Abeysekera's competence to
be recommended representation of the country. We see
this remark is hilarious if one does not see the tragedy
underlying Mr. Serasinghe's comment. As Mr. Tissa Abeysekera
has been chosen by the relevant authorities dealing
with the SAARC Festival of Culture for his competence
it does not need the chairman of the NFC to second it.
"We have no objection to these
films being screened in India and if any person who
wants to do that should follow the procedure and request
clearance" the Chairman said.
It is felt that the e-mail directed
to the chairman September 4, 2006 at 10.54 am has not
been according to the procedure accepted by the chairman
personally! As it happens the chairman puts the blame
on Mr. Abeysekera who has been chosen to recommend the
films. It is a puzzle that Mr. Abeysekera should handle
the official clearance mandate which is the prerogative
of the Foreign Ministry.
Asoka Serasinghe |
"Tissa Abeysekera never talked
to me about this or made any request." Is it necessary
that Mr. Abeysekera promote his selection as the chairman
implies in this instance?
Mr. Serasinghe also said that Ananda
Ariyaratne is not a consultant but assigned to work
in the International unit of the NFC and this was for
seven months.
Mr. Ananda Ariyaratne who was present
at the press conference was questioned on what authority
he objected the two films. "As a citizen of this
country I felt that these two films were not suitable
specially with regard to the present situation in the
country," he said.
Tissa Abeysekera |
It seems that most of the officials
and authorities of the NFC are lost in a wonderland
as the reply the queries are reminiscent of the tea-party
in Alice in Wonderland.
Issue concerning the selection of
the films began when the two films Inoka Satyangani's
"Sulang Kirilli" (The Wind Bird), Prasanna
Vithanage's "Ira Mediyama" (August Sun) along
with Jayantha Chandrasiri's " Guerrilla Marketing"
were selected by filmmaker and writer Tissa Abeysekera,
(one of the members of the chapter of the Foundation
of SAARC Writers and Literature (FOSWAL)) on the request
of the organisation.
Veteran filmmaker, Mr. Abeysekera's
selections had been objected to and two other films
"Sooriya Arana" by Somaratne Dissanayake and
"Sulanga" by Benette Ratnayake were proposed
by one Mr. Ananda Ariyaratne.