Misleading the public - Insurance furore
As an Insurance Professional I and several of my colleagues have been following with great enthusiasm this series of articles appearing under the caption "Life insurance scheme or Scam".
The original writer being an insurance professional himself, was appallingly naive in his argument and misleading an entire nation. I am shocked that the writer who is an Insurance Professional doesn't seem to understand the very basic mechanism, that the whole world of life insurance is working on. Or is he doing this upon an ulteria motive, best known by him and a few others around him? Even in a bank if you withdraw your fixed deposit prematurely, the bank forfeits the interest.
It is understood, why it has to be so. And this is a condition the customer agrees upon prior to embarking into an agreement. Similarly the much debated point "surrender value" is stated, or at least the mechanism it is calculated on is stated before hand.
Then why all this crocodile tears? Mr. Nazim quotes a few examples of dissatisfied customers. But I can quote hundreds of satisfied customers, let me be more specific I can quote tens of claims we have paid in full to people who have just paid only a premium or two. Let Mr. Nizam talk to Mr. Atapattu- Group manager from Hayleys (an organisation that Mr. Nizam himself had represented for many years).
Leo Navarathne
Manager, Voluntary Employee Benefits
HayleysAIG |