Jayasri promotes ‘Peace’ in Europe
By Sanath Weerasuriya
The new album ‘Saamaya-Peace’ of popular group Jayasri is a big hit in Europe.
Launched in Sri Lanka last April, ' Saamaya-Peace' was featured in Austria's No.1 Radio ORF ´s 'Radio Wien'.
'Radio Wien' featured six of our new songs in a cultural programme and they all now in the playlists. Most of the popular radio Stations in Germany, Austria, Netherlands and Belgium play our songs in their programmes' said Rohitha Jayalath in a special mail to TV Times.
Group Jayasri |
Jayasri was in Colombo for the album launch and soon they have to return to Europe for their summer concerts.
'We came back to Europe soon for our Summer commitments and were busy up to now with tours and festivals around Europe'.
According to Rohitha, promotion work of our new Album 'Saamaya-Peace' is doing very well in Austria and in many countries including Netherlands, Germany, UK, France, Italy and Switzerland.
Jayasri' was featured in Johnny Reggae radio in Vienna in their world music programme as the 'Album of the Month' for now two consecutive months in August and September.
‘Multi Kulti Radio' in Germany and many worldmusic radio stations in Europe are now giving us a good positive airplay. Our videos are also presented in many TV Stations in Europe' he added.
The boys have dedicated their third album specially for Peace - Saamaya. This is a topic not only for our war torn beautiful land but, at the moment it appropriated to the whole world. We have three special songs "Saamaya-Peace" and the English version of it 'Commonland' and another song 'Ay may' talks about the reality, facts, reasons, corrupted politics so on…. And about War' he stated.
The album contains 15 songs, released and distributed by M Entertainment.
The other songs in the album are 'Maha Muhuda'-Tsunami song, 'Situ Kumariye', 'Kiyanna,Kiyanna', 'C Devi', 'Janapadakalyani' (in our own Reggae and Dancehall style), 'Hima Kumaree' - ( soft rock ballad), 'Mama Earth', 'Commonland', 'Pitarata Wistara' and 'Welikathare' (in acoustic).
'We think, as song writers and musicians we could do a lot, to bring a positive vibe to all the people. Because fans or an audience listen and accept your message and music, we use this advantage. In this album we convey a big message of PEACE to the world, also with "Doi Doi" a message to the youngsters and respect to our parents' Rohitha explained in his mail. Lod on to www.jayasri.itgo.com and www.jayasrimusic.com for more details about their new album.
Rohitha and Rohan lost their loving father in June and the boys were here in Nattandiya beside their busy schedule.
‘It is a great loss. He gave us the maximum backing for our musical life from the very childhood, later then managing our band Serendib, when we were in Sri Lanka. Even the song "Doi Doi Doi" in our new album was a dedication to our loving Parents’ he added |